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December 23; Finances on the Minds AND in's Forum on FMS

Mardy Ross's picture

It snowed here last night and I was out talking to a neighbor who was shoveling snow and naturally got to talking about Lumigrate's progress and she said the woman across the way in the past had fibromyalgia.  I told her about the other things besides pain and then how there is much that can be done for pain and much that is frequently done that isn't as best as it could be on that topic and all that we have going on that can offer more solutions for people, hopefully reducing costs and increasing effectiveness and satisfaction.   read more »

Finances and "the F word" (Fibromyalgia)

This topic is inspired today by 'interesting timing'.  While I was out thanking the neighbor who shoveled my snow and going on to shovel some other snow for the area people, I explained how it is I'm able to be doing things that I wasn't in the past.  And I included the facts as to what my yearly expenses were in those days for my health care, as in a year I probably had over 20 medications/prescriptions going on most months.  I returned to working and had a message from someone who was asking about Lumigrate being able to assist people with their medication expenses, which a  read more »

About Sleep - aka "Sleep: 101"

I wanted to set up topic areas for people in the SLEEP Forum at which are similar to what has worked with Fibromyalia Forum: Provide the base structure and then let others start topics too.  My intention with Lumigrate is to provide a progressive, valid, streamlined, fun health and well-being website experience (and related facebook and Twitter) that maintains what Aretha Franklin would say 'R-E-S-P-E-C-T'.  Please keep these things in mind and diplomatically guide others who might be used t  read more »

Insomnia - Difficulty Sleeping

This is one of the more read topics as I'm editing today, and I'm going to bump this up in the forum as well.  The Forums area originally was used well to get people who wanted to comment doing so -- there weren't many websites then which had the capability to do that for people with 'fibromyalgia' as a focus as Lumigrate did in our formative times.  You'll see below a wonderful example of how it worked.   read more »

Solstice's Reflections -- 13 years to Today - the BEST is NOW and Yet to Come!

Mardy Ross's picture

It's a Sunday here in western Colorado and it is obvious we're near the winter solstice since about the time I typically like to go out for an evening walk it's getting dusky...  and it made me realize that it's been 13 years since I completed my fieldwork to become an occupational therapist.  The neat thing is, that today on the wonders of facebook, I was 'chatting' with an OT halfway across the world, where it's summer now.  She's going to contribute some content to the Forum area of and I'm very much looking forward, as always, to new information and another  read more »

Hypochondriasis or Celiac?

Do you feel like everything on or in your body is falling apart?  Maybe it is... 

If you have celiac (also known as celiac sprue), then gluten is damaging the villi in your small intestine.  The villi are the fingerlike projections that absorb the nutrients from your food.  The less nutrients your body absorbs, the more problems your body will experience.  Makes sense, doesn't it? 

Anemia -- deficiencies in iron, folate, or B12   read more »

Third Anniversary of Hysterectomy Hassles

Mardy Ross's picture

Today I'm going to keep this rather easy on me because yesterday I had a really interesting treatment from what is known as a cranial osteopath and while I felt fine yesterday, today I felt like I was needing to regroup a bit (plus I had a few extra things on my plate today earlier).  I thought it was pretty neat that three years to the day that I had surgery in the osteopathic hospital in Grand Junction (performed by an MD, however, a really wonderful OB-GYN who I am glad to say I haven't had to see for a while, though I miss his FUN way of treating patients), I was having someone wor  read more »

Celiac Disease: "IBS, IBS, IBS .... it's BS!" (Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Dr. Oz Today)

Mardy Ross's picture

Again, we know there are many people who do not have access to watching this important show today by Dr. Oz who can benefit from the information so we watched it and have partially transcribed and then highlighted the details of  The Hidden Epidemic: When Bloating is a Sign of Something Toxic.  read more »

"Procedures" as Interventions for Chronic Pain - Invasive and Non

Part of the fun challenge of the evolution of is seeing what people contribute and ask about and then figuring out how to structure things in a way that allows us to accomplish our intentions -- make it valid, progressive, fun and streamlined (as people are short on time and energy and quite frankly often tired of looking at the computer but it is SUCH a great tool, eh?).   I just noticed that someone had written a question in the fibromyalgia pain medication section that maybe falls into the category of 'procedure'  -- then within that realm there perhaps  read more »

Mid-day e-newsletter from Dr. Teitelbaum

Mardy Ross's picture

As many of you know, Dr. Teitelbaum and I both were invited to a conference this past July in Berkeley, California.  (We were both invited by a documentary filmmaker doing a series on chronic pain/illness).  He was on the Dr. Oz show's initial October airing of a show about 'exhaustion' where they introduced him as being an expert and having written books about 'chronic fatigue' but the focused on the word 'exhaustion'.  Dr.  read more »

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