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What Happens in Vagus .... Doesn't Stay in Vagus! The Vagus Nerve Superhighway

I belong to a lot of Facebook groups, and I'm selective and look for where the high level learners and doers are.  Today, they were rapidly finding this a wonderful article in a group focused on the aspect of 'mold'.  A really nice comment was how she loved her vagus nerve, and someone replied how just saying that was helping it.  read more »

How to Get On .... Disability, and So Much More

There's a beautifully done website by a talented young woman who has complex chronic illness and is in collaboration with two artists of stunning work primarily which she uses on the website for the 'tiles' and other key areas.  When you arrive you see at the top Welcome        and then        Peace. Love.Spoons.  read more »

"Chronic" Interrelated Conditions. Overview / Guide Topic for YOUsers re: Lyme, Fatigue, Pain, Fibromyalgia, Neuro, Endo, etc.

I'm inclined to suggest to people who want to know what Lumigrate has to offer about chronic Lyme, fatigue, pain, neurological degeneration, etc. to  'just go to the forums at Lumigrate and look around, after you've looked at all the other links briefly and gotten the overview'.   read more »

Lyme: STD Possibility per Emerging Research and Documentary

I suspect that the 'sexual' aspect of this topic is getting people's attention. Combining this with the growing awareness by people with 'chronic illnesses', that I globally refer to on Lumigrate as 'the overlapping illnesses', becoming aware that Lyme is frequently part of the 'palate' of separate items their body carries and adds to the body's burden -- this is going to be a 'hot topic' going around the Internet I suspect. Hence I wanted to have a topic addressing it on Lumigrate.     read more »

Identifying and Treating Common Psychiatric Conditions Comorbid with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and/or Fibromyalgia

I recommend you read the four-page professional psychiatric journal article "Identifying and Treating Common Psychiatric Conditions Comorbid with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and/or Fibromyalgia" which appeared in Psychiatric Times on January 18, 2013 (29. 1) There is much focus and commotion/debate with the DSM-5 having come out recently which serves to remind all people with CFS (ME)/FM/MCS/etc. of the importance of knowing the information that pertains to YOU, so that you and your providers do not get led astray from the path to well-being.  read more »

Emily's Appeal re: Extreme ME: "How is it possible to feel so ill so relentlessly?"

Emily passed/died in March of 2012 and this was circulating with the request on FB to Share.  So I posted it here.  I hope MANY read it and do more than weep, as she has requested.  ~~ Mardy

Emily mother’s Jane has asked for these last words from Emily to be reposted. They were written over many weeks – while her daughter still had the strength in her body to do so.  read more »

Fibromyalgia/CFS/ME Awarness Day, 2011 a la Lumigrate!!!

Lumigrate was formed out of my experiences having had FMS / chronic illness and lived the frustrations of the western, conventional medicine model (ConMed), and my belief that there was a need for quality, valid and progressive information done in a streamlined way that also made it FUN to come and be learing or teaching others.  I have always been an advocate for my patients and lived by my ethics to do the right thing for them in addition to the things a medical worker has to do in order to make a profit for their employer.   read more »

Magnesium; Fearsome Foursome - The Hummingbirds' Foundation for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis:

I saw this out in the facebook world of fibromyalgia community and thought I'd encourage you to read and follow the link if you think it is interesting. I certainly welcome Jodi Bassett and Cathy van Riel and others with the Hummingbirds' Foundation for Myalgic Encepahlomyelitis or those who are following them to Comment and support and share!  From what I can tell this is a very good website, CERTAINLY worth a look for what YOU find/think/feel ~~ Mardy 

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Lumigrate Supports INTERNATIONAL FMS/CFS/ME Awareness in 2010!

I've invited Carla Gillespie, who is the creator of this effort on facebook to start a Topic about this. 

I had the pleasure of getting to know her pretty well last year after and through the exciting facebook interactions going on last FMS Awareness Day, and very much look forward to this year!  (We're both big fans of Jon Kabat-Zinn and mindful meditation, but she's REALLY into it -- I'd LOVE to see her writing/ contributing in the Forums about it, actually).   read more »

New Theories about CFS/ME; XMRV -- What do YOU think?

As you might have seen throughout my story and blog posts, I had a pretty good / bad case of CFS in my late 20's, which was 1989.  So this is a topic near and dear to my heart -- in the phases since when FMS was getting the best of me, it is the fatigue as much as anything that was so excruciating.  The causes are generally coming to be recognized and there are many schools of thought and much to learn from each other.  So please SHARE, and we can develop this area with topics as the Fibromyalgia Forum is, or similarly ....  Thanks! 


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