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December 23; Finances on the Minds AND in's Forum on FMS

Mardy Ross's picture

It snowed here last night and I was out talking to a neighbor who was shoveling snow and naturally got to talking about Lumigrate's progress and she said the woman across the way in the past had fibromyalgia.  I told her about the other things besides pain and then how there is much that can be done for pain and much that is frequently done that isn't as best as it could be on that topic and all that we have going on that can offer more solutions for people, hopefully reducing costs and increasing effectiveness and satisfaction.   read more »

Finances and "the F word" (Fibromyalgia)

This topic is inspired today by 'interesting timing'.  While I was out thanking the neighbor who shoveled my snow and going on to shovel some other snow for the area people, I explained how it is I'm able to be doing things that I wasn't in the past.  And I included the facts as to what my yearly expenses were in those days for my health care, as in a year I probably had over 20 medications/prescriptions going on most months.  I returned to working and had a message from someone who was asking about Lumigrate being able to assist people with their medication expenses, which a  read more »

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