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Heavy Menstrual Flow Related to Hormones and Perimenopause

I so very much sympathized today with someone who is struggling with heavy menstrual periods, something that has occurred with middle age.  I really wanted to have some solutions here because five years ago RIGHT NOW I had just started into a cycle of kidney infections and treatments, investigations and remediations which went on for months and years.  I was totally experiencing the 'allopathic runaround' which is included in Chris Young's Health Maintenance video here at Lumigrate.  In my case I lost productivity at work which translates into los  read more »

Third Anniversary of Hysterectomy Hassles

Mardy Ross's picture

Today I'm going to keep this rather easy on me because yesterday I had a really interesting treatment from what is known as a cranial osteopath and while I felt fine yesterday, today I felt like I was needing to regroup a bit (plus I had a few extra things on my plate today earlier).  I thought it was pretty neat that three years to the day that I had surgery in the osteopathic hospital in Grand Junction (performed by an MD, however, a really wonderful OB-GYN who I am glad to say I haven't had to see for a while, though I miss his FUN way of treating patients), I was having someone wor  read more »

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