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Gratification and Reflection Inspired from People with Chronic Pain This Week

Mardy Ross's picture

I was planning to write today about two providers who have joined my personal health care team this year, a DO named Ilene Spector and a body/mind/spirit trainer, Analii, as they will be part of the Forums area at in the very near future.  We'll be discussing what their techniques are and then how it relates to what they've "done" when they've worked with me and use the Topics and Comments to have a dialog that others around the world can utilize to learn from, PRINT, and hopefully recreate a similar experience in their own community of providers.  (Keep in  read more »

Flare-Up Tamer Recipe

Our favorite recipe to reduce Fibromyalgia pain is:


Epsom Salts (1 cup)

Peppermint Oil (5 drops)

Eucalyptus Oil (5 drops)

Mix these together and soak in the bath.

You'll be amazed at the difference!

Do YOU Have a Dream? MLK to Google -- Join our Search and March for Change in Health Care Information on the Internet!

Mardy Ross's picture

Today's I'm hoping to have YOU find out how you can be part of a successful 'march on Washington (and around the world!) which Lumigrate is asking you to join if you're interested in health.  And you can do it right from your computer!  If you don't want to read all the 'why' and get to the 'how', skip to the bottom of this blog!  If you want the 'story' of my thoughts today and the history of Lumigrate since 2007/8 and Internet correlations, I thank you for reading this today.  (Time for a beverage?  A deep breath?  Please get in a good gear!)  read more »

Allow me to Introduce myself...
USA, Colorado, Grand Junction, CFS, FMS, IBS Education Group; Mondays 6 PM, Holiday Inn Express

UPDATE/Note from me/Mardy on September 2, 2014: 

I've removed all the information from this topic from ALMOST five years ago, because the group that had been 'gung ho' when I went to an early-on meeting fell apart and apparently never resurfaced. This is the ending line from what I'd written though: 

"Remember, telling others what you know is the best way for word to travel!  Be part of the solution!"  read more »

What Happens in Grand Junction Doesn't STAY in Grand Junction - Groups Communicate (Support, Education)

In November I received a call from one of my best friends in Grand Junction, who said 'I saw something in the paper you might want to know about".  Due to the holidays and busyiness, I called last week -- just in time to get in on the do-over meeting, as people were so scattered with the holidays the guys starting this group here realized they needed to wait until this new year to get started.  It was interesting to me that it was two GUYS who were doing a group -- it's rare!  I called the first name that was listed in the ad in the local paper, which was Alan.  He'  read more »

How Deirdre and Lumigrate came to be ....

I am going to speak on behalf of the Lumigrate Forum community.  In the first 9 months of the website, the forum area about fibromyalgia has truly been one of the most impressive and pride-full things I've ever experienced.  I don't have children but I know how parents have such a sense of pride when they see their kids doing something that has nothing more to do with the parent than they created the person.  There are amazing, wise people -- mostly women -- who wrote in that area so far.  And MUCH of what we were writing about had aspects to it that had to do with nutri  read more »

Getting Back At IT, in 2010... Chronic Pain and Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and On and On ...

Mardy Ross's picture

Everyone needs a vacation and you have a little vacation from Lumigrate while we were down for a while.  I actually didn't have a vacation, I was busier than ever.  I got to spend some quality time with my family "back home", which is precious to me since we are at a critical time with my aging father and with a new baby granddaughter via my sister's husband's daughter.  I got to see my friends the previous month which was the only time for 2009, and had hoped to go back this week to see my best friend competing this week at the National Western Stock Show in Denver  read more »

"You Don't Look Sick" <eye roll>; "You Look Good"

Mardy Ross's picture

I think since it's the first days back for people after a 3 day weekend with holiday and all the eating and enjoyment that came with, it's best we all just ease into the week and realize it's the last week of 2009 and maybe not expect too much from ourselves.  What do you think?  I know I thoroughly enjoyed the food for the last four days and having the opportunity to spend time with family.  I've just been reviewing what few entries we've had in the Forum area at over the holiday -- was glad to see people were occupied!  read more »

Reflections from the Season. Your Gifts to Us, Our Gifts to YOU End of Year!

Mardy Ross's picture

This is Lumigrate's first "holiday season" and I was curious to see what the 'rhythm' would be here in the website world of health education related to progressive concepts such as our 'integrative medicine' promotes.  When I worked seeing patients as an OTR (occupational therapist, registered), there was a definite cycle to the year.  Before that when I worked at Colorado State University in the three departments over 10-15 years, each had their own cycle based upon when the fiscal cycles were and the academic schedule.  When I was on the NPS  read more »

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