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Third Anniversary of Hysterectomy Hassles

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Today I'm going to keep this rather easy on me because yesterday I had a really interesting treatment from what is known as a cranial osteopath and while I felt fine yesterday, today I felt like I was needing to regroup a bit (plus I had a few extra things on my plate today earlier).  I thought it was pretty neat that three years to the day that I had surgery in the osteopathic hospital in Grand Junction (performed by an MD, however, a really wonderful OB-GYN who I am glad to say I haven't had to see for a while, though I miss his FUN way of treating patients), I was having someone wor  read more »

What's My Old Boss, "Wild Bill" Malm (Retiring) Have to do with YOUR Health? Air Quality?!

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Literally HALF my lifetime ago I was sitting at a front office of a new Fort Collins company which I'd helped type a winning proposal for, Air Resource Specialists, and in whizzed one of the new researchers in town for the National Park Service.  He was part of a Washington office, the Air Quality Division (Visibility Monitoring Program) which was set up there due to the supercomputer at Colorado State University as well as the expertise of the University's programs in related atmospheric science, statistics, recreational resources and the like.  He grabbed one of the employe  read more »

Celiac Disease: "IBS, IBS, IBS .... it's BS!" (Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Dr. Oz Today)

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Again, we know there are many people who do not have access to watching this important show today by Dr. Oz who can benefit from the information so we watched it and have partially transcribed and then highlighted the details of  The Hidden Epidemic: When Bloating is a Sign of Something Toxic.  read more »

Making of a Healthy Man, Christopher Lepisto, ND (at Natural Grocers)

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Last night a surprising number of people came out in very cold weather after a particularly big snowfall in Grand Junction to the Vitamin Cottage/Natural Grocers for their FREE seminar series.  Christopher Lepisto, the naturopathic doctor you see on as part of our complement from the Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado was presenting on The Making of a Healthy Man, which I believe was the first time.  read more »

From Cartoons to Cancer and CHI and Cold this December 6, 2009

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As much as as the Internet is a wonderful tool for providing news, I enjoy reading the news in a paper that is delivered to the door.  I don't enjoy having the papers to recycle or the ink that inevitablly rubs off somewhere to clean up, but I think there's something wonderful about the newspaper, particularly on Sundays.  I remember as a child being so excited to read the comics, and in those days on Sunday evening a Denver radio station would have a guy read them -- it's literally the second thing I remember about learning to read.  Today I was enjoying the Parade magazine  read more »

Mid-day e-newsletter from Dr. Teitelbaum

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As many of you know, Dr. Teitelbaum and I both were invited to a conference this past July in Berkeley, California.  (We were both invited by a documentary filmmaker doing a series on chronic pain/illness).  He was on the Dr. Oz show's initial October airing of a show about 'exhaustion' where they introduced him as being an expert and having written books about 'chronic fatigue' but the focused on the word 'exhaustion'.  Dr.  read more »

"Exhaustion", Retrovirus (XMRV), Chronic Fatigue; Dr Oz, December 3

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First and foremost, we ask everyone reading this to spread the word that this is a resource online for everyone to read.  AND we encourage you to utilize the 'Comment' area at the bottom of the page of this blog post.  In October when the Dr. Oz show had Dr.  read more »

Occupational Therapy's Piece of the Pie

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As you might know, I have been a registered occupational therapist since 1996 and my onset of fibromyalgia and return of debilitating fatigue occurred in 1994/5.  It's worked out pretty well, because I understand a lot of what my patients were 'going through' and had a lot more tricks up my sleeve than some other therapists perhaps.  This Thanskgiving I not only got to have wheat-free pumkin pie (my whole family has food allergies of one kind or another), but I'm currently having my Dad make us laugh by wiggling his ears after putting in his hearing aids.  They are new and ve  read more »

Thanks Giving

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Six years ago today, I was sharing a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and significant other in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where I had lived for a handfull of years, and telling them I had been arm-twisted by a previous employer there to help out with a staffing shortage in Grand Junction, Colorado for three weeks.  How did three weeks turn into six years?  Well, if you are lucky enough to have ever been, it's a lovely little city -- the banana belt of Colorado (except we grow apples, peaches, and grapes (so hence winemaking), not bananas!).  I just felt I  read more »

Where to Look in re: Fibromyalgia and Such

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Many of our current followers are looking here for information specifically about fibromyalgia and related conditions and symptoms.  Since Lumigrate's key concepts are to provide information which is  read more »

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