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Kickoff the Weekend: Sun Prevents the Flu from Getting You!

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Want to know what you can start doing NOW to have the best shot at being healthy this fall and winter?  We have some things to get you started on....  read more »

"It's About Choices" -- Healthcare Spending and YOU

Mardy Ross's picture

Today I went to one of my health care provider's clinics and ran into a former patient who now also is going there (for chronic fatigue).  I was happy to see him there because .. as you know if you've read my blog in the last few weeks ....  read more »

13 Easy Things for Healthier Eating

Mardy Ross's picture

This list is also part of the intestinal health and immune system blog earlier on Lumigrate but has enough interest I'm going to set it apart for you here.  The guidelines Dr. Lepisto provided for health nutrition are:  read more »

Colon Cancer - "Bacteria Caused" Evidence!

Mardy Ross's picture

I found this GREAT article in the stream of our friends on facebook (who 'Share' interesting things they find).  read more »

Oprah's O Magazine FINALLY Says the 'F' Word! (Fibromyalgia) Thanks Dr. Oz!

Mardy Ross's picture

This is going to be very short and sweet because I want you to be aware of it ASAP!  Please follow the link and then put in your comments because they judge the interest in a topic by the feedback they get.  I have been writing to them since two months ago when we had every kink worked out of the website -- and I was never contacted but perhaps was heard, along with others.  I remember the day last year when an audience member said she had fibromyalgia and it was like 'hooray -- they finally said 'the F word!'   read more »

Scott Rollins, MD and Bioidentical Hormones

Mardy Ross's picture

This topic is so popular here in western Colorado that Dr. Rollins' seminar tonight is going to be full, full, full and they are fun, fun, fun to attend because of his friendly and professional style.  The seminar announcement is informative, including his background information and if you follow the link, his website has a lot of information which you might find helpful for learning about this topic or others from an integrative medicine perspective! (homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, etc)
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The Way to a Provider's Heart is ... (Through the Stomach)

Mardy Ross's picture

This topic was inspired by a gal who has become a follower of Lumigrate in the past few months and who, it turn out, is now hopefully contributing a great idea which you can read about.  She has fibromyalgia (and kids and a husband and extended family) and she was commenting on how fortunate she feels to have a physician who is really able to help her, and he will even listen to her whine a little bit when she needs to.  Having been a provider for many years, I know the 'business side' of things, so I was picturing the clinics I've been part of where the patients go home at 6 pm a  read more » Fibromyalgia and Support Group Locator

Mardy Ross's picture

As you know, we like to share with you good resources we come across.  Lately on facebook, people have really been looking for connecting with support groups in their area, and I thought I'd give you a link to the fibromyalgia area on  There also are a lot of people looking for information and guidance about medications, so I was trying to find something related to that, in addition to the one I've discussed in a previous blog about Dr.  read more »

Health Care Reform: What YOU Can Do ....

Mardy Ross's picture

Yesterday on facebook, we had quite an interesting interaction because I used the words 'health care reform'.  Wow!  What a button!  It's GREAT to see people focused on the subject, and historically you will find that when a controversial subject is close to 50/50 in opinion, people get very 'active'.  And 'active patients' is what many progressive thinkers in the medical industry want.  Including Lumigrate!  read more »

Intestinal Health and Your Immune System -- Boost it for Fall and Flu Season!

Mardy Ross's picture

I decided to reverse the order I was going to do new blogs and put my summary about intestinal health from an integrative medicine perspective up today because I just read an article in the August 17th  Time magazine last night about influenza (those that know me know to tease me about my choice of bedtime reading).  Last week I was kind of sidetracked with all the hoopla over President Obama coming to Grand Junction and wasn't keeping up with the other news and hadn't realized there is quite a lot of concern about the pattern in the past of influenza not really sweeping until sch  read more »

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