chronic fatigue

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Where to Look in re: Fibromyalgia and Such: From a 2009 Blog Post

Many of our current followers are looking here for information specifically about fibromyalgia and related conditions and symptoms.  Since Lumigrate's key concepts are to provide information which is  read more »

Blog from 7/2009; Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue: Scott Rollins, MD's Solving the Mystery!
Blog from July 2009; Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue: Scott Rollins, MD's Solving the Mystery!
Exerciseing When you have both CFS and FMS?

Since 97 I have had fibro~ I learned how much exercise my body could handle~ what type my body could handle~ and also learned how much was too much.

Then in 08 I got CFS ~  now this is where I get confused~ and to be honest a bit scared.

I have read that if you have both FMS and CFS you need to be EXTRA careful and do less exerting exercises~  that for some people simple walking is enough and they have to be careful not to overdue!

On my good days I'm as active as i dare to be~ cleaning the house~ gardening~ enjoying life!  read more »

USA, Colorado, Grand Junction, CFS, FMS, IBS Education Group; Mondays 6 PM, Holiday Inn Express

UPDATE/Note from me/Mardy on September 2, 2014: 

I've removed all the information from this topic from ALMOST five years ago, because the group that had been 'gung ho' when I went to an early-on meeting fell apart and apparently never resurfaced. This is the ending line from what I'd written though: 

"Remember, telling others what you know is the best way for word to travel!  Be part of the solution!"  read more »

Getting Back At IT, in 2010... Chronic Pain and Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and On and On ...

Mardy Ross's picture

Everyone needs a vacation and you have a little vacation from Lumigrate while we were down for a while.  I actually didn't have a vacation, I was busier than ever.  I got to spend some quality time with my family "back home", which is precious to me since we are at a critical time with my aging father and with a new baby granddaughter via my sister's husband's daughter.  I got to see my friends the previous month which was the only time for 2009, and had hoped to go back this week to see my best friend competing this week at the National Western Stock Show in Denver  read more »

Solstice's Reflections -- 13 years to Today - the BEST is NOW and Yet to Come!

Mardy Ross's picture

It's a Sunday here in western Colorado and it is obvious we're near the winter solstice since about the time I typically like to go out for an evening walk it's getting dusky...  and it made me realize that it's been 13 years since I completed my fieldwork to become an occupational therapist.  The neat thing is, that today on the wonders of facebook, I was 'chatting' with an OT halfway across the world, where it's summer now.  She's going to contribute some content to the Forum area of and I'm very much looking forward, as always, to new information and another  read more »

Hypochondriasis or Celiac?

Do you feel like everything on or in your body is falling apart?  Maybe it is... 

If you have celiac (also known as celiac sprue), then gluten is damaging the villi in your small intestine.  The villi are the fingerlike projections that absorb the nutrients from your food.  The less nutrients your body absorbs, the more problems your body will experience.  Makes sense, doesn't it? 

Anemia -- deficiencies in iron, folate, or B12   read more »

Where to Look in re: Fibromyalgia and Such

Mardy Ross's picture

Many of our current followers are looking here for information specifically about fibromyalgia and related conditions and symptoms.  Since Lumigrate's key concepts are to provide information which is  read more »

Symptoms and Suggestions
We've all heard about 'self-help books'... well, I'm adding this area for everyone to be 'each-other help'. 
Lumigrate's been in the making now for two years as a concept on my part, and went 'live' (launched) on March 27 at about 9:50 am our time here in Western Colorado (Mountain Time Zone) and generally everything's gone about as expected since then (though beforehand I was, shall we say, 'challenged' every time I turned around from the day I decided to get out of my previous clinical practice and 'do' what you now see as  ....  read more »

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