chronic fatigue

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"Veterans" of All Kinds

Mardy Ross's picture

Today is Veterans' Day in the United States, and I am proud to say I have an appreciation of our military's veterans, perhaps from day one.  My father served in World War II back when the Air Force was called the "Army Air Corps".  I grew up always feeling cold, as my father did, and shuddered at the story of how cold north Africa was and likely felt more so to him because he was not given the thyroid medication he had needed from the time he was a teen.   read more »

Do You Weather the Weather? Howl at the Moon?

Prior to my returning to Colorado State University to complete my occupational therapy degree, I worked for a research project which was next to the Colorado Climate Center.  They were studying the effects of weather on people with chronic pain and generally I recall they found the symptoms started BEFORE the drop in barometric pressure!    read more »

Fibromyalgia: An "Integrative Medicine" Approach

Mardy Ross's picture

This week in the United States, many of us are tuned into PBS (Public Broadcasting System) for a new documentary series by Ken Burns, titled 'The National Parks: America's Best Idea'.   The National Park Service (NPS) is partially responsible for your reading these words right now, because as a 24 year old I was hired to assist a "seasoned" researcher the NPS had just harvested from the Environmental Protection Agency.  "Wild Bill" Malm had just turned 40 and I was recommended to him because of my previous work with a similar project an  read more »

Who ARE You, And WHAT is Lumigrate? Videos and MORE!

Mardy Ross's picture

Whether meeting someone in person or on the internet through facebook, I am having to answer this question a lot lately.  Which is great because it means people are finding out about us  and are interested.  Certainly, I refer people to look at's 'About Us' section (link below if you want to read later).  We have free information --- the blogs are packed with links to VALID sources to learn more about topics you are interested in and we think are important.  I get included in a lot of interesting information exchanges and have my  read more »

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Listed: Discussed

This area is inspired by a wonderful list which one of our friends wrote up and was so well received on our facebook page: It is helpful for people to have an area to come and read in a streamlined way. 

Please ALSO see the "Your Story" area and contribute yours as well!

Disability -- Success Stories, or Close!

Here's an area for people to come and write who have experience so people can easily read about how people ended up successful in their pursuit without sifting through a lot of information that is ... set up in the OTHER area I'm setting up for "Disability -- Questions, Problems, Where to Start?". 

Supplement That Maybe Didn't Work So Well

Here's an area which hopefully will streamline where people can write or read about the supplements they have taken that were NOT their favorites. 

Supplements I Have Taken for FMS/CFS That Help

Here's a topic I posted back in Lumigrate's formative year to hopefully streamline it so people could easily find where to write if they want to, or read -- or both -- about what supplements they take for FMS.  We are approaching our THIRD FM Awareness Day as we just had our second birthday/anniversary, and now we have more providers than EVER writing on so I am going to pull this out in May 2011 and 'dust it off' and ask those providers if they would like to include something to add onto this, as it had over 2,500 reads in the times since it was first  read more »

"It's About Choices" -- Healthcare Spending and YOU

Mardy Ross's picture

Today I went to one of my health care provider's clinics and ran into a former patient who now also is going there (for chronic fatigue).  I was happy to see him there because .. as you know if you've read my blog in the last few weeks ....  read more »

Oprah's O Magazine FINALLY Says the 'F' Word! (Fibromyalgia) Thanks Dr. Oz!

Mardy Ross's picture

This is going to be very short and sweet because I want you to be aware of it ASAP!  Please follow the link and then put in your comments because they judge the interest in a topic by the feedback they get.  I have been writing to them since two months ago when we had every kink worked out of the website -- and I was never contacted but perhaps was heard, along with others.  I remember the day last year when an audience member said she had fibromyalgia and it was like 'hooray -- they finally said 'the F word!'   read more »

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