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Being Your Own Advocate Particularly Critical with Fibro

More so than many other health concerns, fibromyalgia is a condition where patients often have to be strong “self advocates” when it comes to finding the appropriate help. Although most providers today are finally starting to diagnose "fibro", unfortunately there are still some that are not “up to speed” and even more that may be dismissive of the symptoms patients are experiencing. If that is the case, patients need to either seek care elsewhere or be more assertive with their doctor.  read more »

Who ARE You, And WHAT is Lumigrate? Progressive Info: Social Networking Links for Lumigrate (Blog Xfer from 2009)

Whether meeting someone in person or on the internet through facebook, I am having to answer this question a lot lately.  Which is great because it means people are finding out about us  and are interested.  Certainly, I refer people to look at's 'About Us' section (link below if you want to read later).  We have free information --- the blogs are packed with links to VALID sources to learn more about topics you are interested in and we think are important.  I get included in a lot of interesting information exchanges and have my  read more »

Who ARE You, And WHAT is Lumigrate? Videos and MORE!

Mardy Ross's picture

Whether meeting someone in person or on the internet through facebook, I am having to answer this question a lot lately.  Which is great because it means people are finding out about us  and are interested.  Certainly, I refer people to look at's 'About Us' section (link below if you want to read later).  We have free information --- the blogs are packed with links to VALID sources to learn more about topics you are interested in and we think are important.  I get included in a lot of interesting information exchanges and have my  read more »

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