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Toxins from Mind, Body, Spirit and Taking an Inflammation Vacation

Lifestyle has so much to do with wellness. Activities you do. What you eat and drink. Everything you are doing is affecting YOU (being body, mind and spirit).   read more »

10 Ways To Stop Chronic Inflammation NOW!

What is Inflammation? 

Inflammation is a normal and sometimes beneficial process that occurs when your body’s white blood cells and chemicals protect you from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. Some level of inflammation in your body is healthy, like during an infection or after an injury. However, long term chronic inflammation gradually drains your health and weakens many systems of the body, setting the stage for serious disease.   read more »

Tues. Sept 20: tele-seminar "Intestinal Integrity: Digestion ... Ego-System ... End Food Cravings"

I am looking forward to this seminar this evening; I wanted to share what I received in my email yesterday reminding me of it.  Deirdre Rawlings does a really nice job of promoting/getting the word out in the first place and then once a person has signed up at her websites for something, 'prompting' them.  If you've not yet signed up and are interesting in this seminar or in the future for other similar things, follow the link below that is in purple and is -- that's the put-in/starting place.    read more »

Turmeric for Pain

 Last Saturday I "jogged" (actually walk/jogged) in the Children's Hunger Fund Run/Walk in Salt Lake City while at  USANA's International  Convention. The day started just before dawn, filled with the excitement of thousands of people running through the streets of Salt Lake City, raising $125,000 for children in need all around the world.  read more »

Spring Inflammation Vacation - Cooking to Alleviate Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, ....

Hello! Please join me for this exciting upcoming opportunity: Cooking Class:  Inflammation Vacation!
Are you suffering from fibromyalgia?  Are you doing your best to deal with pain for arthritis?  Learn how to cook with health and energy issues in mind!
Please join me and Gertraud Jones on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm.  Please call me for information on the location.  The cost is only $35.
   read more »

Beat Sugar Addiction Now! by Jacob Teitelbaum MD and Chrystle Fiedler

The rest of this book's title says it all "The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Puts You on the Road to Feeling Great -- and Losing Weight!"  read more »

My Heart's Open and Thanking ..... Lots of People!

Mardy Ross's picture

This is the first Valentine's Day for Lumigrate!  This time last year the web designer, Ron Shimshock, and I were probably communicating with each other even on Valentine's Day, as it was in the timeframe of when we had lots going on -- the credit card processing needed to be taken care of (which was something he set me up well with good information about how to do my part of, three suggested companies to pick from -- and I'm so very happy to have chosen 'Heartland Payment Systems' and have to say the woman who is my representative has not only been a pleasure to work with, but to also  read more »

Supplements and Disease Prevention by Dr. Scott Rollins

Mardy's Thoughts:  I remember the day when there were a handful of supplements on the market -- you took one a day and it provided the recommended daily allowance (RDA), and we marveled at better living through chemistry and we didn't think much more about it!  read more »


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If you purchase a video download, you will receive a high-quality video of the seminar which can be played directly on your computer. The video is provided in three formats: MPEG-4 (.mp4 file), Apple QuickTime (.mov file), and Windows Media Player (.wmv file). If you do not have a program on your computer that automatically plays media files, you will need to download one of the following:

You will also receive as part of your download a PDF file of the presentation slides, and various supporting documents such as checklists, recommendations, and guides. The supporting documents are typically about 25 pages of additional content. To view these documents you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download it by clicking here.


If you order a DVD, you will receive a packet including the DVD disc, presentation slides, and related documents. The entire content is three-hole punched so you can place it in a binder and start your collection! It is our goal to have DVDs to you very rapidly, but they are a special order item so timelines vary.

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