Deirdre Rawlings

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"How to Restore Hormone Imbalance & Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms -- 7 Simple Steps" from Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD

Mardy's Note, July 2011 - I was adding new information to this forum/area of Lumigrate and checked to see if the links still work, below as I don't want anyone 'dead ending' and wasting time.  It appears the links to Deirdre's website to listen to this seminar are working and the link to the overall RollinsHealth website Dr Rollins promoted as part of this in January 2011 takes you to a that website, but nothing's been added to it for content and it's six months later SO that's essentially looking like an idea that didn't get off the ground as of yet.  read more »

Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD/Foods for Fibromyalgia - Many Gift Opportunities
Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD, Foods for Fibromyalgia - FREE tele-seminars

Lumigrate's nutrition expert, Deirdre Rawlings, PhD, ND, MH, CNC has FREE seminars and I encourage everyone to sign up with her website in order to receive the notices directly, but we'll keep you posted here as well. 

In order to encourage you to sign up, I have cut and pasted below a message that I received on facebook since I am part of this loyal following of Deirdre --- (And then the link to go and sign up is: )  read more »

My Heart's Open and Thanking ..... Lots of People!

Mardy Ross's picture

This is the first Valentine's Day for Lumigrate!  This time last year the web designer, Ron Shimshock, and I were probably communicating with each other even on Valentine's Day, as it was in the timeframe of when we had lots going on -- the credit card processing needed to be taken care of (which was something he set me up well with good information about how to do my part of, three suggested companies to pick from -- and I'm so very happy to have chosen 'Heartland Payment Systems' and have to say the woman who is my representative has not only been a pleasure to work with, but to also  read more »

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