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Video for IFAC: Fibromyalgia: Healing Begins

I'm pleased to share here at Lumigrate the video I created to raise awareness about fibromyalgia.  Many people with fibromyalgia feel isolated with their condition because those around them either don't believe or don't understand.

Fibromyalgia is often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed by many health care providers.

It affects approximately 3-4% of the population of the USA, (10-12 million people).
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"How to Restore Hormone Imbalance & Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms -- 7 Simple Steps" from Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD

Mardy's Note, July 2011 - I was adding new information to this forum/area of Lumigrate and checked to see if the links still work, below as I don't want anyone 'dead ending' and wasting time.  It appears the links to Deirdre's website to listen to this seminar are working and the link to the overall RollinsHealth website Dr Rollins promoted as part of this in January 2011 takes you to a that website, but nothing's been added to it for content and it's six months later SO that's essentially looking like an idea that didn't get off the ground as of yet.  read more »

GRATE GROOVE Group in Grand Junction, Colorado

How did the new Grate Groove of Grand Junction come to have it's kickoff meeting on 1.11.11 at 11?

I happen to think it was a good omen! 

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Renovating and Fibromyalgia Education

Hello my dawlinks!  No sooner do we unpack in our Florida townhouse, I have to pack again to go help another friend in need.  I left my wonderful husband home this time, he should rest and be well from our long schlepp out of New York; I smooched him on the head and took my tuchus out the door to the waiting taxi to fly off to... to fly off to... Oy!  read more »

Helping Fibromyalgia with Active Release Techniques, Chiropractic & Manual Therapy Part 1

A multi-disciplinary approach to the puzzling and frustrating condition of fibromyalgia can be the best approach to take for both the patient with fibromyalgia and the treating health care providers.  Many patients naturally go down a path seeing multiple health care providers that specialize in conventional medicine and more "natural healers" that offer complimentary care.  In some circumstances the conventional medical approach is not helpful enough, and improved health and function starts to happen when the pa  read more »

Structural Problems of Head/Neck/Mouth and Sleep

Any time I have a little time to build something new on Lumigrate, even if it's just enough to get something 'off the ground' related to a specific need/request for information from someone, I really work to get something posted here to direct them to instead of just telling them and then still not having ANYTHING on Lumigrate.   read more »

From A (Autistic Spectrum Disorders) to ZZZ (Insomnia); Menus and Recipes by Angela Dunston Barakat

Angela Dunston Barakat is a hero to me.  Just as Sue Ingebretson, who wrote FibroWHYalgia, also reviewed here in the Lumigrate bookshelf, is.  They not only rolled up their sleeves and figured out complex and overwhelming health issues for those they are 'in charge of' (yourself, your family), but they took the initiative and the resources (time, energy, money) to write, publish, and market a book.  I've personally communicated with both of them quite a lot, and find them sincerely focused on wanting to help others.  What a wonderful gift to give the world, in tak  read more »

"FibroWHYalgia", by Sue Ingebretson

I'm hoping that my having written something here about FibroWHYalgia will encourage people to purchase a copy for themselves or people surrounding them who could learn from Sue Ingebretson's amazing book.  I've had my copy since this spring, so I had the opportunity to show it around a lot this summer when on the Front Range, as well as to the professionals and people with an interest in fibromyalgia who I come in contact with when 'home' in western Colorado (and everyone in between, I was all over the state to get two other OTRs writing on Lumigrate).   read more »

7 Years Ago to Now ... It Comes Together!

Mardy Ross's picture

I woke up this morning a little later than I wanted to -- I sleep with an 'intermission' these days and last night's intermission found me getting up to make something to eat after finishing a wonderful book titled Women, Food, and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything by Geneen Roth.  So Rock Cesario's "Acoustic Sunday" radio show on local radio station "Drive 105" was underway, but the lure of someone having brought me Gevalia yesterday had me enticed.  I struggle with caffeine addiction the way other people struggle with o  read more »

The Original Stories from 2009 "Grate Group" Gals

Here's a link to the 'original' stories about fibromyalgia that were written in 2009, where it has continued to get about 100 reads a month, in addition to the stories here; since it warranted it's own Forum where everyone can start a new Topic for their story rather than tack onto one long topic stream, I created this in 2010.  However, the original stories are WONDERFUL and I encourage you follow the link and read.

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