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Stressful Events Contribute to Chronic Illness, per Dr. Lepisto Video Clip

Here is a clip from Dr. Lepsito's 'Food Allergies and Sensitivities'. 

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Oxidative Stress in Fibromyalgia

I was invited to share the following blog post on oxidative stress as it related to fibromyalgia.  The original post can be found at I plan to continue this series, taken from a recent webcast.  If anyone would like to hear the entire webcast, contact me and I will be able to send an MP3 file.  Robin  read more »

Thank Goodness You're on Disability!

"Thank goodness you're on disability!!", a chiropractor said to me yesterday.   

Thank goodness?  That my income is a third what it used to be?  That I can barely function some days?  That I'm still grieving the loss of the career I'd always wanted?   What was I to 'thank goodnessing' for again??  read more »

Managing Fibromyalgia Pain -- Everyday Things

Anyone who suffers with fibromyalgia is all too familiar with the 'medication merry-go-round'  to rid themselves from unrelenting pain. Sometimes, different 'cocktails' may help for a while only to lose their effectiveness after a period of time. However, there are a number of self-care practices that can help to manage the pain of fibromyalgia that do not involve the use of medications.

Heat and Cold Therapy  read more »

Mariluz' "Bald Faced' Video Plea about Fibromyalgia Activisim; Doctors' Avoidance, Media Needs

At Lumigrate, we are spending the week getting all the pieces in order to release our "Premier Podcast" of Chris Young and I (and Adam Cochran of TalkingDigital facilitating the podcast) discussing the old days of why we started the live 'Fibromyalgia Forum' in the medical building in Grand Junction where his practice still is (and where I used to be downstairs in a PT clinic).  I did this because many of the people writing on Lumigrate or following along to learn have never seen a video of me because we didn't put our resources 'on me' 2 years ago when we were madly filming  read more »

"Fibro Forum" in GJ Revisited in Premier PODCAST!

I wanted to stop by Lumigrate and briefly introduce myself today, as we're recording our first podcast today related to my history with Mardy in treating patients with head injury and other neurologic issues, which lead to a flow of people with fibromyalgia and inspired us to collaborate on creating something that was named by the participants in Grand Junction 'Fibromyalgia Forum'.  We plan to also record something about how that lead to my revitalized interest in the work of Dr.  read more »

September is Pain Awareness Month!

Hello Everyone!

I hope September is going well for everyone.  Back to school and sports, the weather changing, starting to prepare for the holidays are all big stressors for us, and I know for me, tend to set off flares!   I'm learning how to pace, but keep finding myself involved in more and more activities related to fibro awareness, which is such a great honor for me.  read more »

Following up on Dr. Mark's inspiration!

Have you read this information from Dr. Mark?    REALLY an important bit to read, so I'll give you a few minutes.....

   read more »

A Message from Your New Beauty/Health Advisor

This is Mariluz Fontanez, cosmetologist and your new beauty health advisor here on Lumigrate. I am delighted to have been invited to write in this forum. As a professional makeup & hair stylist, I've dedicated over 14 years of my life polishing and mastering makeup artistry and hair design. I like to describe my style as "avant garde", cutting edge, innovative and creative. Always trying to reinvent myself as an artist and offer my clients the latest techniques and products in the market.  read more »

FibroWHYalgia Summarized

Top 5 Ways to Conquer Chronic Illness
Originally written April 27, 2010 (by me, Sue Ingebretson)

I was asked the other day for the “gist” of what I say in my book, FibroWHYalgia: Why Rebuilding the Ten Root Causes of Chronic Illness Restores Chronic Wellness. That’s a tough request. Summaries feel so “bony” and leave out the good stuff.
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