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Lumigrate Supports INTERNATIONAL FMS/CFS/ME Awareness in 2010!

I've invited Carla Gillespie, who is the creator of this effort on facebook to start a Topic about this. 

I had the pleasure of getting to know her pretty well last year after and through the exciting facebook interactions going on last FMS Awareness Day, and very much look forward to this year!  (We're both big fans of Jon Kabat-Zinn and mindful meditation, but she's REALLY into it -- I'd LOVE to see her writing/ contributing in the Forums about it, actually).   read more »

BEST Enema Recipe Ever!

Having suffered with IC, CFS, IBS, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain for over a decade, and having to take increasing amounts of narcotic pain medications, antispasmotics and other medications that interefere with normal bowel functioning, a very simple, albeit messy, recipe for an enema was introduced to me during a hospital stay this last year. As you may know, a bowel full of feces can likely increase pain and cause other symptoms such as urinary retention.  read more »

Facebook: NEW "Lumigrate: Fibromyalgia Health Education Counseling" Fan Page & Page of "Candace Grande", Health Educator!!

Hello Everyone,  read more »

USA, Colorado, Grand Junction, CFS, FMS, IBS Education Group; Mondays 6 PM, Holiday Inn Express

UPDATE/Note from me/Mardy on September 2, 2014: 

I've removed all the information from this topic from ALMOST five years ago, because the group that had been 'gung ho' when I went to an early-on meeting fell apart and apparently never resurfaced. This is the ending line from what I'd written though: 

"Remember, telling others what you know is the best way for word to travel!  Be part of the solution!"  read more »

What Happens in Grand Junction Doesn't STAY in Grand Junction - Groups Communicate (Support, Education)

In November I received a call from one of my best friends in Grand Junction, who said 'I saw something in the paper you might want to know about".  Due to the holidays and busyiness, I called last week -- just in time to get in on the do-over meeting, as people were so scattered with the holidays the guys starting this group here realized they needed to wait until this new year to get started.  It was interesting to me that it was two GUYS who were doing a group -- it's rare!  I called the first name that was listed in the ad in the local paper, which was Alan.  He'  read more »

Getting Back At IT, in 2010... Chronic Pain and Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and On and On ...

Mardy Ross's picture

Everyone needs a vacation and you have a little vacation from Lumigrate while we were down for a while.  I actually didn't have a vacation, I was busier than ever.  I got to spend some quality time with my family "back home", which is precious to me since we are at a critical time with my aging father and with a new baby granddaughter via my sister's husband's daughter.  I got to see my friends the previous month which was the only time for 2009, and had hoped to go back this week to see my best friend competing this week at the National Western Stock Show in Denver  read more »

About Sleep - aka "Sleep: 101"

I wanted to set up topic areas for people in the SLEEP Forum at which are similar to what has worked with Fibromyalia Forum: Provide the base structure and then let others start topics too.  My intention with Lumigrate is to provide a progressive, valid, streamlined, fun health and well-being website experience (and related facebook and Twitter) that maintains what Aretha Franklin would say 'R-E-S-P-E-C-T'.  Please keep these things in mind and diplomatically guide others who might be used t  read more »

Insomnia - Difficulty Sleeping

This is one of the more read topics as I'm editing today, and I'm going to bump this up in the forum as well.  The Forums area originally was used well to get people who wanted to comment doing so -- there weren't many websites then which had the capability to do that for people with 'fibromyalgia' as a focus as Lumigrate did in our formative times.  You'll see below a wonderful example of how it worked.   read more »

New Theories about CFS/ME; XMRV -- What do YOU think?

As you might have seen throughout my story and blog posts, I had a pretty good / bad case of CFS in my late 20's, which was 1989.  So this is a topic near and dear to my heart -- in the phases since when FMS was getting the best of me, it is the fatigue as much as anything that was so excruciating.  The causes are generally coming to be recognized and there are many schools of thought and much to learn from each other.  So please SHARE, and we can develop this area with topics as the Fibromyalgia Forum is, or similarly ....  Thanks! 


Mid-day e-newsletter from Dr. Teitelbaum

Mardy Ross's picture

As many of you know, Dr. Teitelbaum and I both were invited to a conference this past July in Berkeley, California.  (We were both invited by a documentary filmmaker doing a series on chronic pain/illness).  He was on the Dr. Oz show's initial October airing of a show about 'exhaustion' where they introduced him as being an expert and having written books about 'chronic fatigue' but the focused on the word 'exhaustion'.  Dr.  read more »

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