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Mardy Ross's picture

This past week felt like 'coming home' to me.  For one thing, I was home all week with a tweeked SI joint on my right side which was making life 'difficult' more than  usual for me.  Fortunately, I had just met a chiropractor who is certified in ART, which is a technique the hand therapy component of my previous contract business had included via the very talented 'hand therapist' I employed.  ('Quotes' because I consider it 'therapy' when you work on patients and the therapy world, run by people with lots of degrees like mine and more, consider 'assistants' assistants,  read more »

Yenta - Her OWN "Forum". "Kibutz" or "Kibbitz"? YOU Can Write and Post Photo TOO! (NEW Instructions)

Mardy Ross's picture

I thought today I'd write a very quick blog post and hope to have more people who have something to add to Lumigrate come and be a part of something that is helping many now, and we plan to have that grow!  With everyone's help in grabbing an oar, if only to write one line in the Lumigrate Forum area, it's a contribution!   read more »

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