Fibromyalgia Forum

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Thank Goodness You're on Disability!

"Thank goodness you're on disability!!", a chiropractor said to me yesterday.   

Thank goodness?  That my income is a third what it used to be?  That I can barely function some days?  That I'm still grieving the loss of the career I'd always wanted?   What was I to 'thank goodnessing' for again??  read more »

Facebook: NEW "Lumigrate: Fibromyalgia Health Education Counseling" Fan Page & Page of "Candace Grande", Health Educator!!

Hello Everyone,  read more »

Welcome IMC and Mardy Ross Friends!

Mardy Ross's picture

Welcome to the folks who have gotten emails from Lumigrate or from me directly to finally annouce the long-awaited Lumigrate webucation site!  I'm looking forward to having you get involved if you have seen Dr. King, Dr. Lepisto, Dr. Rollins, or Dr. Young personally or attended a seminar or taping at Lumigrate.  Click here: forum to go to the forum section and let others know what you think!  The doctors and I will also be checking in as well.   read more »

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