chronic illness

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"Fibro Forum" in GJ Revisited in Premier PODCAST!

I wanted to stop by Lumigrate and briefly introduce myself today, as we're recording our first podcast today related to my history with Mardy in treating patients with head injury and other neurologic issues, which lead to a flow of people with fibromyalgia and inspired us to collaborate on creating something that was named by the participants in Grand Junction 'Fibromyalgia Forum'.  We plan to also record something about how that lead to my revitalized interest in the work of Dr.  read more »

FibroWHYalgia Summarized

Top 5 Ways to Conquer Chronic Illness
Originally written April 27, 2010 (by me, Sue Ingebretson)

I was asked the other day for the “gist” of what I say in my book, FibroWHYalgia: Why Rebuilding the Ten Root Causes of Chronic Illness Restores Chronic Wellness. That’s a tough request. Summaries feel so “bony” and leave out the good stuff.
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Many Aspects from Naturopathy re: Chronic Illness/Wellness in Interview with Cinda Crawford

Hello forum members,

Mardy, thank you for asking me to post the link here to the full hour podcast on Naturopathic Medicine, CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome which I did with Cinda Crawford recently.  To listen, click here

Cinda Crawford Interviews Dr. Christopher Lepisto on Naturopathic Medicine for CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome.  read more »

"Summer Survival": Dr. Mercola's Video/Written Info and Sun and Bug Protection Safely

Dr. Mercola's emailed newsletter which was in my mailbox this morning caught my eye because the topic of what to do with your skin related to sun exposure has caused debate on our facebook pages when I have promoted going out in the SUN, or what I call 'The Vitamin D Machine'.  I'm posting the link here for YOU to follow if you'd like to learn what he has to say, and I'll be letting Ann Garrity from Organic Divas know it is here, as well as our other aesthetics/skin experts in the Grate Group and ask them for their input on this VERY IMPORTANT topic.  read more »

Who ARE You, And WHAT is Lumigrate? Progressive Info: Social Networking Links for Lumigrate (Blog Xfer from 2009)

Whether meeting someone in person or on the internet through facebook, I am having to answer this question a lot lately.  Which is great because it means people are finding out about us  and are interested.  Certainly, I refer people to look at's 'About Us' section (link below if you want to read later).  We have free information --- the blogs are packed with links to VALID sources to learn more about topics you are interested in and we think are important.  I get included in a lot of interesting information exchanges and have my  read more »

Celiac Disease: "IBS, IBS, IBS .... it's BS!" (Blog from 12/10/09; Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Dr. Oz Today)

Again, we know there are many people who do not have access to watching this important show today by Dr. Oz who can benefit from the information so we watched it and have partially transcribed and then highlighted the details of  The Hidden Epidemic: When Bloating is a Sign of Something Toxic.  read more »

"The Two Wolves" - Exemplifying Shame/Blame or Let it Go

Wolves, and a wise old Indian provides a lovely way in story about going from shame/blame to forgive/let it go.

The Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.  He said, 'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all..

One is Evil.  read more »

LYME'S disease ~ its NOT "Just my Fibro''~ my lesson learned

I have decided I needed to share my lesson~ which I have learned the hard way~ with all who choose to read it...because if I am able to help at least one person avoid what I have gone through this past year~ it will be worth every keystroke that I type.   read more »

30 Minutes of Time, $0.00 -- Yenta and Mardy Ask: R U Invested re: Financial Aspects of Chronic Pain/ Illness

Mardy Ross's picture

Earlier today I was responding to a statement in the Lumigrate Forums area related to someone expressing that their finances don't allow for many of the therapies that are talked about related to recovering from chronic illness and in this case a chronic pain condition, fibromyalgia.  I sympathize AND empathize with this, and have since Lumigrate was being conceptualized and formed and have placed THREE no-cost videos here.  The others are at a price that is about the same as a low co-pay, and for an hour's worth of time with a medical provider with valid, progressive and t  read more »

IBS, Leaky Gut, Healing the Gut

This is certainly an area that is important within the fibromyalgia community, and there are many with FMS that know a lot about this who hopefully will write.  Many come here looking for information and have an open 'head' to learning about integrative medicine concepts, including digestive issues.  Also, since we've been on Lumigrate the longest (those with FMS,  likely are 'ahead of the game' and can make an impact on others with other diagnosis or with only GI problems!  So I recommend we utilize this area here for talk about who we are and what our fibromyalgia  read more »

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