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"Peace Fleece" by Yenta

In the fall of 2010, Yenta wrote a piece on about the peace sign and it received good feedback and had a good number of reads, which essentially translates into our knowing what's of interest to people and not.  From my standpoint, it's felt like we're returning to something like the 1960s in this country in terms of people becoming active about things that they want to see changed.  Which is a good thing, but doing it in a peaceful way is the best, or GRATEST way.  I'll provide the link below so you can go read Yenta's peace piece, and I encourage you to spend  read more »

Thank Goodness You're on Disability!

"Thank goodness you're on disability!!", a chiropractor said to me yesterday.   

Thank goodness?  That my income is a third what it used to be?  That I can barely function some days?  That I'm still grieving the loss of the career I'd always wanted?   What was I to 'thank goodnessing' for again??  read more »

September is Pain Awareness Month!

Hello Everyone!

I hope September is going well for everyone.  Back to school and sports, the weather changing, starting to prepare for the holidays are all big stressors for us, and I know for me, tend to set off flares!   I'm learning how to pace, but keep finding myself involved in more and more activities related to fibro awareness, which is such a great honor for me.  read more »

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 2010

Mardy Ross's picture

This is our second year on the Internet -- it turns out that launched last March, just six weeks or so before the first organized fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue awareness day.  It was a really neat day as I recall, buzzing around facebook and introducing myself and having something like Lumigrate to introduce people to.   read more »

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