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A Little Experiment

Today I wanted to write about families' understanding of fibromyalgia based on my recent experience.  This year my parents will celebrate 50 years of marriage.  What an amazing accomplishment and I know it hasn't been easy.   The "kids" talked about how to honor this and decided to all go to a cabin in a beautiful area of Ohio for a few days to just enjoy each other.   Well, this past week we did this and wow, what a beautiful time we had.  read more »

Lumgrate is the future of Education

Greetings everyone,

My name is Adam Cochran. I helped Mardy Ross get the fire going with several years ago. I have finally decided to join the group. It is funny that I am so involved in this project because I am not in the medical industry, I am overweight and I eat horribly.

So, why am I here and why do I believe in this project so much?  read more »

Family and Friends... Fibromyalgia is ......

This area is inspired by the suggestions and requests of people today using ... some of which I have not had the pleasure of personally meeting yet and ONE which I have the the pleasure of saying was one of my former patients prior to her moving away.  At the time this real-world person was working with me, Dr.  read more »

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