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How a Tire Changed Things for YOU (and Me) with Lumigrate

Mardy Ross's picture

"Some days you write the song ....... some days the song writes you" is playing on my beloved Acoustic Sunday radio show by Rock Cesario as I start writing today, and I realize that Yenta, Alice and I all talk about how we regroup for a while related to what to write about and then have a general idea of what we're going to write about but then the piece takes on quite a life of it's own.  So we can only hope today is the same for me and this finds you entertained.   read more »

Fibromyalgia and dance, plus notes on E-stim.

All right. This is a story I have long put off telling, not through reticence but time. I was asked, by Mardy, to tell about what I had discovered about my own fibromyalgia and what has worked for me. Firstly, I was not very accepting of this problem, this "syndrome." I began my dance with chronic pain fairly young. Up until I was about sixteen, in fact, I was doing fairly well. Then I fell off the stage onto the back of my head. About the same time, I was struck in the jaw by a baseball. My sensior year I was in a rollover accident.  read more »

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