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Cause / Effect Worthy of Examination with Lyme Borreliosis and Mental and Behavioral Function / "State"

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? You will see, below, that there's an important reference to the application of this analogy to behavioral / mental health and the underlying cause or causes and contributors to these issues. They point out, as you will see, below:   read more »

GAPS - Gut and Psychological and/or Physiological Syndrome from Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

I felt it was warranted to put a topic about GAPS(TM) at Lumigrate. I think coming up with GAPS as an acronym was one of the cleverest things ever, since the premise has to do with the healthy intestines being like a coffee filter and when damaged by various things, becomes like a sieve -- with gaps.  My original teacher about this would put hands together like you were doing 'where's the church and the steeple' and show that as tight in the finger notches, and then pull hands apart a bit to show the gaps / leaks.   read more »

Outside The Box of Conventional Medicine: History Shows Slow Progress for Functional, Integrative and Other Approaches

Do you ever see the information about 'outside the box' health and think 'that makes SO MUCH SENSE, why didn't I hear about that before now?' Or 'why isn't EVERYONE doing this already, if it's been known for a while?'.  I hope this topic will help provide some answers. This will likely be a topic I add onto and improve upon as time goes on.  read more »

Highly Sensitive People (HSP): Are YOU One, or Someone You Know? Some Traits, Possible Causes and Solutions

"Sensitivity" is an interesting word, and implies 'the senses'. How many senses do you think of with the word 'senses'? Some people prefer to operate believing in five senses, which is what our formal education in the US teaches, typically (and beyond). A popular expression in recent years that people might have heard or used which comes to my mind is 'energy vampire'.  read more »

Mercury Toxicity, Common Sources and Health Effects: PhD and MD Researchers / IAOMT Conference Videos 'r' "GRATE"!

I'm glad you're interested in reading and viewing to learn more about mercury toxicity; it's a crucial topic for people to be more than 'familiar' with, in my opinion. I like to provide the YOUsers of Lumigrate leads to sources for learning that I find valid in the 'outside the box' choices that are increasingly available to chose from.  read more »

Are YOU Loaded? What I See Causing Illnesses to Soar in Children Through the Elderly

What is "The Problem"? Rates are soaring of many types of illnesses, and the average age of onset often is shifting to be younger than seen previously.  read more »

PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and YOU!

How much does PTSD affect YOU? Like anything, it affects our entire society, directly or indirectly. Most people today are aware of PTSD, and some have gone beyond awareness to have knowledge about it, beyond that it stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Still, I have people sometimes say "what's that?".  read more »

Brain Drain from Electronics and Technology; Restoring our Mental Wellness

"What is happening to people?" Are you hearing this or saying this as much as I am, lately? Since Lumigrate's approach is 'integrative medicine' from a 'functional medicine' standpoint, where we look at the body/mind/spirit and underlying causes for wellness, or lack thereof (aka 'illness'), I wanted to share an interesting article I found in The New York Times' series "Your Brain on Computers" (link provided, below)   read more »

Les Miserables Inspires Me: Leaky Gut and the US Revolution in Medicine and Whole-Person Wellness
I wanted to follow up about leaky gut syndrome today, as the article I wrote two weeks ago at the time of the Newtown shootings has gotten quite a lot of activity, and I'm getting feedback from my conversations with people about it related to "more interest in mental health and gut health, please".  read more »

Aurora: My Thoughts After Two Weeks. Mental Health Education and Screening Has Been Missing at Universities

Mardy Ross's picture

"Ironically", I received my 'usual' Alumni donation solicitation call from the Colorado State University Applied Human Sciences College on Friday within hours of when I heard about "Aurora" and the young college student who had invaded a movie theater for the 'epic' opening of the new Batman movie.  read more »

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