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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement in Women: Chronic Illness Prevention and Recovery for Mental and Physical Well-Being

As women who are enjoying the body's natural state of wellness approach midlife, the body produces less estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, and other vital hormones, leaving her with a wide variety of complaints: hot flashes, mood swings, low sex drive, depression, decreased memory, poor sleep, dry skin, and vaginal dryness.
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Who, Why, HOW to Test for Hormones/Thyroid, etc. per Gary King, RPh

 Gary, if someone is reading this Forum on Lumigrate related to hypothyroidism and have their 'interest piqued' and want to know what laboratory tests you'd recommend and how to do about that, please continue on. [This is forwarded from another topic in this forum started with a question about what is in T3/T4 compounded supplemental hormone capsules such as Mardy was taking this weekend when around someone who does not have fibromyalgia but is on Rx thyroid medication and was interested in MORE information than Mardy can provide!]  read more »

Q&A: Menopause, hysterectomy and FMS? HRT?

Have there been any studies about how a woman's hormones may have changed because of a hysterectomy (ovaries taken, too) or even menopause, and then fibromyalgia is diagnosed?  When I facilitated a support group, about 95% of the FM patients said they had a hysterectomy or were in menopause.
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Heavy Menstrual Flow Related to Hormones and Perimenopause

I so very much sympathized today with someone who is struggling with heavy menstrual periods, something that has occurred with middle age.  I really wanted to have some solutions here because five years ago RIGHT NOW I had just started into a cycle of kidney infections and treatments, investigations and remediations which went on for months and years.  I was totally experiencing the 'allopathic runaround' which is included in Chris Young's Health Maintenance video here at Lumigrate.  In my case I lost productivity at work which translates into los  read more »

"How to Restore Hormone Imbalance & Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms -- 7 Simple Steps" from Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD

Mardy's Note, July 2011 - I was adding new information to this forum/area of Lumigrate and checked to see if the links still work, below as I don't want anyone 'dead ending' and wasting time.  It appears the links to Deirdre's website to listen to this seminar are working and the link to the overall RollinsHealth website Dr Rollins promoted as part of this in January 2011 takes you to a that website, but nothing's been added to it for content and it's six months later SO that's essentially looking like an idea that didn't get off the ground as of yet.  read more »

Wonderful Overview in Grand Junction Free Press by Dr. Rollins re: Bio-Id Hormones

I saw in the Free Press last week that Dr. Rollins had done a really wonderful writeup in the Health section his IMC provides content for and today I was referring to it when talking with a local medical provider and figured 'if I needed this once, I'm going to need it again', so am setting this up as a link.  I encourage people to take a minute to click on it and follow and consider reading the article as it's a very good overview on the subject, no matter where you live.   read more »

To Color or NOT to Color .... THAT is the Question! I was Grey in May!

On Friday I ran into a friendly colleague at the health food store (Vitamin Cottage/ Natural Grocers which has a link from the "Products" tab here at and we both had time to go get nourishment via food, drink, and conversation, and since she hadn't seen me for a while she said 'I notice you're needing your hair colored ....  read more »

Mardy's Recap of Deirdre's March 24th Fibro / Mood and Mind by Looking at 10 Systems of the Body

I loved this teleseminar!  Holy guacamole does she download a LOT of amazing information.  I'm a fast typist and I couldn't keep up to make some notes, but I thought if I did a little summary recap of it, you might be inclined to take the time to learn here from Deirdre and follow the link to her website and get involved if it resonates for you.  It resonates for me, and I'm hearing many people saying the same thing.   read more »

How I found Dr. Rollins

I moved to Grand Junction five years ago from Colorado Springs.  I'd left Fort Collins in 1996 when I graduated as an OT (occupational therapist).  While in OT school, at the age of 35/36, I was getting wierd symptoms, including waking up many times at night just drenched in sweat.  I started wearing Tshirts and getting up and changing them two-three times a night.  Somewhere along the lines I had a doctor prescribe bioidentical hormones which I had to order from Colorado Springs, which was great -- came right to me, easy as can be.  But when I moved to Denver and s  read more »

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