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Mardy's Thoughts about Facebook on 50th Birthday

Just by following the link to read what I've written here, thanking everyone, as I am looking forward to what all I'll accomplish in my 50s with YOU, you can be doing something that will benefit everone in our next year of life.  So something you can do on my birthday is come to  Why?  read more »

Lumigrate Turns One Today at 9:50 AM

Mardy Ross's picture

Do YOU know how much YOU are part of something GRAND today?  If you're reading this, you've found a website that's just starting to 'toddle' on our first birthday -- and it's been generally recognized as being an innovative resource for changing people's lives related to health care by providing a different type of information, in a different way.  All new things take time to settle out or as I say 'see what sticks to the wall', but our becoming an information portal and resource is very much what has happened.  read more »

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