environmental illness

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Nanotechnology and Strands in Environmental Wellness and Not - of Earth and All Involved


Thank you for visiting this topic. Please enjoy the show as you get to see drafty work being pulled together. Once completed, the credit will be in a box like this to acknowledge who supported the time involved to provide the information at Lumigrate.  Thanks to YOUsers who come read, as it's due to read numbers that allow me to pitch ideas to sponsors -- which are consumers as well as providers of products and services. ~ Mardy

ProudMama (a consumer and personal friend of mine for a long, long time)  read more »

Each One, Reach One - And "The Ripple Effect"

I am dedicating the time and other resources involved in creating this topic on Lumigrate to Alice, "Amazing Alice" I'd later come to call her, who had collaborated with me on showing people how to be 'active' from home in the political process, even when unwell, as she was at the time.  read more »

SIBO -- Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth -- A Big Deal in Chronic Conditions and Wellness Level

Many people finding this topic at Lumigrate.com about SIBO / small intestine bacteria overgrowth will be learning of it for the first time -- becoming 'aware', in other words.  Others will have been 'aware' already, and have sought out via searching on the Internet -- doing research -- to become 'educated' about it.  Some might be quite educated about it and are going back to the Internet to see what might be NEW.    read more »

THE Stuff Interloping and Overwhelming Everything: Examples and Ideas for Remediation in Our Immediate Environments


I've created content extensively in 2015 on "THE Stuff", as I coined the term to make it non-specific.

THE Stuff interloping in 'everything', and changing everything once you learn about it, and how it 'operates'.   read more »

Layers Like an Onion - The Causes (and Solutions) of Environmental Illness (and Wellness)

How do YOU think about what leads a person (or any other being) to be well or unwell/ill?  Do you realize that there might be symptoms that are dismissed or hidden from awareness and attributed to something else that does not 'register' as 'symptoms'?  read more »

Mercury Toxicity, Common Sources and Health Effects: PhD and MD Researchers / IAOMT Conference Videos 'r' "GRATE"!

I'm glad you're interested in reading and viewing to learn more about mercury toxicity; it's a crucial topic for people to be more than 'familiar' with, in my opinion. I like to provide the YOUsers of Lumigrate leads to sources for learning that I find valid in the 'outside the box' choices that are increasingly available to chose from.  read more »

Introduction to Navigating Towards Wellness Despite Geoengineering's Chems 'n EMs: An Overview for Providers and Consumers

Geoengineering is a very complex topic, but it came be simplified to be looked at as "Chems 'n' EMs".  The chemicals involved are numerous and varied. The ways of getting the chems into the air are numerous and varied. And the electromagnetics involved to influence the chems are numerous and varied. AND they change all the time, so it gets even harder to know all the details.  read more »

The Hidden Epidemic in America: Toxins in Things Going In or On Our Bodies (Indoors and Outdoors). Overview and History.

Are YOU a guinea pig? Are you in a herd with other unaware, unconcerned, or in-active "sheeple", or are you aware of the toxins in what you're breathing, drinking, eating and contacting your skin?   read more »

Mercury in "Silver" Amalgam Fillings: "Blame" vs. "Take Action". What Are YOU Going to Do?

Do you remember the great day and the great words "take down this wall"? Do you remember the images of that wall coming down? It appears to me that 'the wall' about dental amalgam fillings made of mercury and other metals is being taken down, hopefully with the same positive outcomes as when communism's symbolic and physical wall in Europe came down! Remember, things get worse for a while before they get better, even when most people are happy about the change.  read more »

fMRI Studies of Brains of Veterans with Gulf War Illness Finds "Cause": Or is it a Symptom?

"Researchers say they have found physical proof that Gulf War illness is caused by damage to the brain — and that proof may ultimately help civilians who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia" the byline says, as you will see below, to this most interesting new finding out in the mainstream media recently.  read more »

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