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Spencer Seupel's Obituary, Written by a Most Eloquent and Wise Mother - What the World Needs Now is .....

Only ten days after Spencer Seupel took his life through suicide, I happened to catch his mother on television, so eloquently speaking about how she wrote his obituary as a piece of 'education' for those who would read it.  I did the same with the portion of my father's funeral in 2010 where I had the opportunity to share my thoughts about the options people have today about medical interventions.  read more »

Are You Waking Up in the Middle of the Night?

Waking up in the middle of the night?

How well are you sleeping lately? Do you wake up between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. on a regular basis? This is a common symptom I hear from clients who are struggling with low energy and don’t understand why.

Functional wellness gives us a clear understanding of the physiology behind what is typically going on in this instance:  read more »

Beat Sugar Addiction Now Cookbook! Recipes that Cure Your Type of Sugar Addiction and Help You Lose Weight and Feel Great!

NEW YORK, DECEMBER, 2011—The Beat Sugar Addiction Now! Cookbook (Fair Winds Press) by board certified internist and renowned energy expert Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, and holistic nutritionist and healthy cooking coach, Dr. Deirdre Rawlings, provides a delicious and information-rich roadmap to balancing your blood sugar, losing weight and feeling great—the companion to his earlier blockbuster, Beat Sugar Addiction NOW!
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I Rescued a Human Today

Mardy's Note: I received this today from one of the real, live people/women who came to the live 'Fibromyalgia Forum' that I refer to in today's blog.  I thought many at Lumigrate would enjoy this and it is important and has a powerful message, so I am posting it here for YOU - with thanks to ALL who make Lumigrate what it is!  ~~ Mardy

For all animal lovers --  read more »

What is stress? How can it be reduced?

Stress is known as the silent killer. It impacts everyone in a variety of ways, and most of which do not appear to be stress-related but truly are. When a person is stressed out, the stress has huge negative effects on the human body. In addition, I use the term 'person' loosely, because yes... kids do have stress too. Being the young age of 24, it is understood that I have a lot of stress and even more on my plate; however, it would be superficial to say that my students (who are 6th graders) do not have stress.  read more »

Surrendering to Find Soul, Source, and Success in Living

When you think of the word "soul", what comes to mind for you I share my humble thoughts regarding this word. If it speaks to you, wonderful; if not, that is fine too.

Soul, to me, is the energy at the core of my being that I chose to nurture, invest in and honor.  Soul is my connection to the source of all life; creator. My soul is my gift to the world molded by God.  read more »

Breathe Deep

Hello my dawlinks!  It's your Yenta.  So who were you expecting?  My wonderful Mardy is schlepping around Colorado with the Peace Fleece as though it's some sort of new shmate (clothing) that she had gotten such a deal on.  It's all right, she makes me smile; it's gut (good).   

I like being appreciated, who wouldn't?  read more »

Sports Illustrated e-article re: Pro Ball Players' Increasingly Getting/Using Behavioral/Mental Health Tools

As you likely know, the focus of Lumigrate is about chronic illness and pain, including fibromyalgia.  As part of that, 'depression' and 'anxiety' are HUGE topics/components (and often misdiagnosed, as with FMS it's often fatigue not 'depression').  Men are under diagnosed even more so than women with many disorders, including those with chronic pain conditions.  So I wanted to bring this WONDERFUL article in Sports Illustrated to Lumigrate for people to 'catch' (yes, baseball pun intended).    read more »

Sleep Apnea from a Good Allopathic Perspective - My Overview from Local Seminar

I attended the local hospital's medical CEU (continuing education unit) this week titled "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Across the Specialties", presented by local physician David Patz.  I learned a lot from it and wanted to do a writeup about it and at least start the conversation and hopefully invite others who know about sleep and sleep apnea specifically to register as users and write here on Lumigrate.  As with anything lately, new research is stretching what the experts previously believed, and it appe  read more »

Wonderful Video on YouTube -- Take Credit if it's YOURS!

I wanted to let people know about this video since I came across it on facebook..... CERTAINLY would love for whomever created it to Comment and let us know who they are and put links out to your site or sites!  Thank you for such a nice gift -- good choice of music ... nice length, etc! ~~ Mardy

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