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Fibromyalgia and Low Thyroid Disorders: How to Find and Learn from Author and Dr., Rodger Murphree

Dr. Rodger Murphree is one of the resources Dr Spurlock, Lumigrate's 'in house' FM/CFS/environmental medicine specialist, suggests people learn from, saying "he's one of my mentors".

I found a link to the following information on Facebook today and thought I'd post it here: If you're reading this after these events, they are recorded and are readily available at his website. I set you up at the end with the link to go, so do .. go!

I also have added some of my thoughts that came from reading this, so I hope you gain from that as well.  read more »

Silent Diseases, Mood Disorders and Blood Sugar


Silent Diseases and Mood Disorders

By Jurriaan Plesman, BA (PSYCH), Post Grad Dip Clin Nutr -- (Please find link and credits at bottom)  read more »

Body/Biology Before Psychology; Overcoming Emotional Problems Using Psycho-Nutritional Therapy

Self-Help Website for Personal Growth

PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and YOU!

How much does PTSD affect YOU? Like anything, it affects our entire society, directly or indirectly. Most people today are aware of PTSD, and some have gone beyond awareness to have knowledge about it, beyond that it stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Still, I have people sometimes say "what's that?".  read more »

Strategies for Lasting Change in Your Life

“I'm trying. I mean it, I am trying really hard to make the changes we talked about since the last time I saw you.”

Whether it's following a diabetes plan, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy eating plan, managing anxiety or depression, or dealing with cancer, the struggle to make and keep healthy lifestyle changes is a challenge for everyone.

Too often lifestyle changes are fleeting experiences, and as Yoda said in “Star Wars”: “Do or do not. There is no try.”  read more »

Identifying and Treating Common Psychiatric Conditions Comorbid with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and/or Fibromyalgia

I recommend you read the four-page professional psychiatric journal article "Identifying and Treating Common Psychiatric Conditions Comorbid with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and/or Fibromyalgia" which appeared in Psychiatric Times on January 18, 2013 (29. 1) There is much focus and commotion/debate with the DSM-5 having come out recently which serves to remind all people with CFS (ME)/FM/MCS/etc. of the importance of knowing the information that pertains to YOU, so that you and your providers do not get led astray from the path to well-being.  read more »

Birthday Riches and Wishes

Hello my dawlinks!  It's your Yenta.  All kinds of things are upon us, The High Holy Days begin on the 16th of September with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and your Yenta's 81st birthday is on the 12th.  Turning 80 wasn't so terrible but 81?  Feh (poo)!  To tell the truth,  I never had trouble with the 0 parts, it's the 1s that give me tsores (trouble); 30 was good but 31 was difficult, 40 was fun but 41 was spent in bed farklemt (depressed), 50 was a blast, but 51, I was diagnosed with what is now called FMS  read more »

‎46 Reasons to Drink More Water

Source: “You’re Not Sick You’re Thirsty” by F Batmanghelidj M.D. – p 32-35  read more »

CAUSES of Depression: Many Things - Sometimes it's What We are Taking!

Depression has many causes.  People often have stressors on their body/mind/spirit which leads the brain to have different chemicals in it: everything from poor nutrition in the foods consumed to not getting exercise and laughter regularly, even enough hugs! Often, people have been prescribed and might prefer 'give me a pill to solve my problem' rather than finding and correcting the underlying reasons.  Often medications are necessary and helpful, hopefully for a short time while the underlying causes start to be investigated.    read more »

The Charlie Rose Brain Series is a GRATE Way to Learn

Charlie Rose put on an amazing television series in the fall of 2010 about the brain and I highly encourage you to go see the website about it by following this link:  read more »

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