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Each One, Reach One - And "The Ripple Effect"

I am dedicating the time and other resources involved in creating this topic on Lumigrate to Alice, "Amazing Alice" I'd later come to call her, who had collaborated with me on showing people how to be 'active' from home in the political process, even when unwell, as she was at the time.  read more »

THE Stuff Interloping and Overwhelming Everything: Examples and Ideas for Remediation in Our Immediate Environments


I've created content extensively in 2015 on "THE Stuff", as I coined the term to make it non-specific.

THE Stuff interloping in 'everything', and changing everything once you learn about it, and how it 'operates'.   read more »

Cleaning Up HOW You Clean! Detoxify for "The Healthy Home"

Why You Should Clean Like Your Grandmother

(The following is an article posted on March 8, 2011, by the father and son team, Dr.  read more »

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