chronic Lyme disease

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The Mood Cure, by Julia Ross, M.A. -- My New Top-o'-the List Recommendation for Most Everyone

I keep finding books as time goes on that are out NEW and I think are fabulous. I hear about them because of the publicity stunts they do to get people hearing about the book and people buying them. The Mood Cure is far from new, but I was surprised after looking through it to see how long ago it was written; 2002!  How I found this book might be of interest and I think is a rather fun little 'story'. I don't think of myself as having a mood problem, similarly I didn't think of myself as having a sugar addiction ....  read more »

Blurry Vision with Lyme / Borrelia / Borreliosis as Cause: Treatments from Acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine

Blurry vision and chronic Lyme disease, with a focus on traditional Oriental / Chinese medicine was an interesting topic from GoodbyeLyme, a website I've linked to before, from Greg Lee. I thought I'd create a topic here for YOUsers to find as I'd noticed we were getting a good number of reads in this forum, at least on the topic from Dr Lynn Hellerstein. There's increased awareness now about many chronic conditions and symptoms having Lyme as a cofactor within the person having the symptoms.  read more »

"Chronic" Interrelated Conditions. Overview / Guide Topic for YOUsers re: Lyme, Fatigue, Pain, Fibromyalgia, Neuro, Endo, etc.

I'm inclined to suggest to people who want to know what Lumigrate has to offer about chronic Lyme, fatigue, pain, neurological degeneration, etc. to  'just go to the forums at Lumigrate and look around, after you've looked at all the other links briefly and gotten the overview'.   read more »

'The Great Imitator" -- Lyme / Borrelia. History and Statistics Can Be Far Off. What's the Reality?

Finding the reality about the history and statistics about how many people actually have Lyme / Borrelia, "The Great Imitator" is very difficult because, well, it's a great imitator, for one thing. And because there are different 'camps' of beliefs about it. Please know going in that it's not an easy subject to study, but in my opinion it is imperative that all people today, whether they recognize it as a threat to them or not, know about it. Because it has affected massive numbers of people, who are mostly unwittingly hosting and transmitting it.  read more »

Mental and Behavioral Health and Nutritional Deficiencies and Solutions. Many Factors, Many Symptoms and Many Solutions.

When YOU hear the words "behavioral health" (or 'problem'), "mental health" (or 'problem'), "psychiatric", "psychological", or any of the 'labels' that go along with it from organized medicine (ADD, ADHD, depression, mood disorder, personality disorder, etc.) what is your presumption about what has contributed to the lack of wellness in that individual or group of people?  And -- is it accurate today?  Are you holding onto a pre-conceived notion, past learning, and have not replaced old information with new?  read more »

No Zinc, No Think. Becky Plotner at NourishingPlot Has That Right! Zinc and B6: Behavioral Through Outwardly Physical Symptoms

Emotions and copper; people who are violent have copper 'issues' at work (think verbal and emotionally violent and not just physical, perhaps). This is one of the key things presented at NourishingPlot.  read more »

CFS/ME (+Lyme) Recovery Path: A Website From Recovering Joe in Australia Who Has Traveled to India and the US

I was fortunate to connect with a very experienced and successful Lyme advocate in the United States who knows the ropes from the inside of the Lyme community. Currently beginning therapy using bee stings, she has been fighting the fights one has to go through with insurance and disability and the providers, and has regained her abilities to communicate and she's just a 'ball of fire' from St. Louis, "the middle" of the United States.

Recently she suggested this website, CFS/ME (+ Lyme) Recovery Path --  read more »

Healing Lyme Without Antibiotics Conference - Covered by Better Health Guy, Hosted by The Klinghardt Academy, May 2014

A recent conference in Washington state, put on by "The Kinghardt Academy", has now taken place and has a great overview topic by the Better Health Guy's website. I'm hoping everyone who has an interest in chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain that is from fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Lewy body disease, Alzheimers, and autism, etc. is aware of this conference having taken place and the information that is available which has come from it.  read more »

Inflammation, Candida, the Immune System and Essential Oils - Autism to Zzz Problems. Connecting Dots.

YOUsers of Lumigrate will hopefully benefit from this topic about essential oils and the resources I've selected to support those interested in essential oils. Essential oils are something I've 'respected' related to wellness for a very long time, and I'd had my antennae up about information sources since the 'dawn of time for Lumigrate', which was 2008 when we were creating the website within an innovative boutique medicine center.  And I want to underscore the word 'respect' about essential oils right up front: These are potent potions.  read more »

Borreliosis. Neuroborreliosis. Lyme. Biofilm: Terms Morph as Information Increases in Availability

Lyme/Borrelia is a complicated topic in health care, and it affects MASSIVE numbers of people, most of whom do not know that their symptoms are partly due to "the bugs" being present in their systems. Many know there is a connection suspected between autism and Lyme / Borrelia (and the other related, similar "bugs"), and with the current rates of autism skyrocketing, and the typical parents for that group of young people being motivated to learn what causes it and what to do about it, awareness levels rose more.  read more »

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