chronic Lyme

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Claus-Peter Kessler, MD on Facebook; "Learn to Test -- The Order of the System is Disrupted" is His Mantra

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I am beginning this topic with what Dr.  read more »

Testing for Lyme (and Co-Infections) & Symptom Questionnaire - Many Clinicians Rely on Symptoms Not Tests

When people are told "you have symptoms that can be from Lyme", the Lyme literate newbie often thinks they'll go to the doctor and ask for a laboratory test for it as if it were strep throat or something. Those used to insurance-based, organized medicine might not be prepared for how difficult Lyme is to navigate as a patient.  Lyme's current tests are a disaster when you look at modern-day medicine's abilities and our expectations -- how can it be that the testing is this difficult of a subject within the overall Lyme / Borrelia subject?  read more »

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