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The Differences Between Women and Men in Diagnosing and Treating Their Chronic Pain and Illnesses

Women and men are treated very differently by the allopathic, conventional medicine system when it comes to diagnosing and treating pain, as this recent piece by Laurie Edwards so brilliantly conveys in the New York Times (dot com, online version, links included and encouraged to go read at the source for all the fun images, etc.).  read more »

Drugs .... Give Me Drugs! (Rx or OTC)

I wanted to set up topic areas for people in the SLEEP Forum at which are similar to what has worked with Fibromyalia Forum: Provide the base structure and then let others start topics too.  My intention with Lumigrate is to provide a progressive, valid, streamlined, fun health and well-being website experience (and related facebook and Twitter) that maintains what Aretha Franklin would say 'R-E-S-P-E-C-T'.  Please keep  read more »

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