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Gout -- Is it an Overlapping Condition?

I've recently been asked what I know about gout, presumably because they have had symptoms.  Fortunately, I'd recently watched / listened to several videos by an educator / nutritionist who had done a wonderful job about alkalinity / acidity / pH, and so I'd think to turn in her direction via the Internet and create a topic about gout here on Lumigrate.  read more »

3 Step, 3 Ingredient Tonic for "Grate" Overall and Joint Health

 My 3 Step, 3 Ingredient Tonic for GRATE Health and Joints


(chose organic when possible, or the best quality you can obtain)

1. In a food-safe 1 quart container (being aware about plastics which leach out toxins; glass is ideal if you can manage it, or mix a batch spread into smaller, more manageable containers:  read more »

Lumigrate's Experts' Opinions on Drinking Water: What's Good, Better, Best?

Isn't it ironic that there is so much controversy and confusion about something as simple as water we drink? And rip-offs abound. I hope the information I provide on Lumigrate helps people learn what some of the options are to study about, consider and then take action on. It's about YOU doing a little work, I'm just hoping to make it easier for our YOUsers.   read more »

Omega Organic Greens - Prebiotic, Probiotic, Alkalyzing and a GRATE Price. One Scoop a Day'll Keep the Doctor Away

Do you get your 5 fruits AND 10 vegetables EACH day? C’mon! Be honest! I don’t personally know of anyone who does. Even if they really want to, they just don’t.  read more »

Acid Indigestion: Apple Cider Vinegar and Water Mixture Aids Digestion: How? versus "Acid Blockers"


I have posted another topic in this Forum on GI/gut about how important Immuno Dophils and Immuno FOS are and why, related to essentially being your 'intestinal body guards'.  I related how people often ask for my #1 overall tip for wellness, and that's is undeniably #1. (You can click the rightmost link above this window and see it in the list or the direct link is:  read more »

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