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I was raised by my parents to always work for what you want.  We didn't have all of the luxuries that the kids have  cell phones, no T.V,s, no computers........I could go on and on. So working was just an accepted part of life if you wanted anything.  I bought my first pair of skis, a bike, and a used 1950 Chevy (my dream car).
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Hi I'm Petie - an OT Friend and Colleague of Mardy's

Hi -- I'm introducing myself today to what Mardy tells me is "The Grate Group"  I met Mardy when she was working in driving rehabilitation in Colorado Springs.  My adult son has developmental disabilities and learned how to drive, which had some interesting stories I will hopefully share in the future with you.  (My experiences of a Developmentally Disabled Mom.)   read more »

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