pyrole disorder

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Mental and Behavioral Health and Nutritional Deficiencies and Solutions. Many Factors, Many Symptoms and Many Solutions.

When YOU hear the words "behavioral health" (or 'problem'), "mental health" (or 'problem'), "psychiatric", "psychological", or any of the 'labels' that go along with it from organized medicine (ADD, ADHD, depression, mood disorder, personality disorder, etc.) what is your presumption about what has contributed to the lack of wellness in that individual or group of people?  And -- is it accurate today?  Are you holding onto a pre-conceived notion, past learning, and have not replaced old information with new?  read more »

No Zinc, No Think. Becky Plotner at NourishingPlot Has That Right! Zinc and B6: Behavioral Through Outwardly Physical Symptoms

Emotions and copper; people who are violent have copper 'issues' at work (think verbal and emotionally violent and not just physical, perhaps). This is one of the key things presented at NourishingPlot.  read more »

The Why of Your Pain - A Video by Frank Gresham, CTPT, Transcribed for Readability or View Video PLUS Morton's Toe, Pyroluria

Here's a link to guide YOUsers to one of the main topics on Lumigrate that you'd likely find looking in the Forums list of this section -- but just in case, as I wanted to be certain people knew about it when looking in this forum, I'm creating a new topic to simply link you to the chronic pain forum and the topic about Frank Gresham's presentation which I've transcribed for those preferring to read. Or the video's linked to too in terms of his YouTube channel and a list of all his videos is there as well, including the one that this topic is focused on.  read more »

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