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Lyme Disease Reform and Activism. Unfortunately, Massive Numbers Affected; The Next 'Big Thing'.

Like everyone, I was once NEW to "The Lyme Fight" information, trying to learn what the 'deal was', and sorting out the information of who's who and why things are so 'messed up' was not the easiest thing for me initially. "the Lyme Crime" some have called it.  Or The Lyme Cryme, I guess it is spelled ..... much to cry about.    read more »

Borreliosis. Neuroborreliosis. Lyme. Biofilm: Terms Morph as Information Increases in Availability

Lyme/Borrelia is a complicated topic in health care, and it affects MASSIVE numbers of people, most of whom do not know that their symptoms are partly due to "the bugs" being present in their systems. Many know there is a connection suspected between autism and Lyme / Borrelia (and the other related, similar "bugs"), and with the current rates of autism skyrocketing, and the typical parents for that group of young people being motivated to learn what causes it and what to do about it, awareness levels rose more.  read more »

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