magnesium deficiency

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Pyroluria, Kryptopyrroluria (KPU) or Hemopyrrollactamuria (HMU) -- Many Names, Causes, Connections

Do you see your self/yourself/YOU! or someone you're responsible for and/or care for/about diagnosed or undiagnosed but with symptoms of any of the following conditions? I'm posting the % of people in the various groups that will have "pyroluria" and the main 'handfull' of category groupings: (Some say 'pyrrole disorder', others 'pyrole disorder'.  read more »

Two National Experts on the Thyroid and Endocrine System: How is Your Thermostat Working?
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD was one of my mentors related to properly identifying and treating thyroid disorders and environmental illness, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, etcetera.  read more »
Magnesium; Fearsome Foursome - The Hummingbirds' Foundation for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis:

I saw this out in the facebook world of fibromyalgia community and thought I'd encourage you to read and follow the link if you think it is interesting. I certainly welcome Jodi Bassett and Cathy van Riel and others with the Hummingbirds' Foundation for Myalgic Encepahlomyelitis or those who are following them to Comment and support and share!  From what I can tell this is a very good website, CERTAINLY worth a look for what YOU find/think/feel ~~ Mardy 

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