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The Fluoride Dilemma

"We would not purposely add arsenic to the water supply. And we would not purposely add lead. But we do add fluoride. The fact is that fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic." This is a quote from Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, a PhD biochemist who wrote the book Fluoride The Aging Factor read more »

Baseline Supplements for Healthy Adults Wanting to Stay That Way

I've been following with interest what I can see at Lumigrate about what people are tuning in to hear and read about, plus talking with Mardy related to what information we can provide that is of most help to people.  It seems there are two tracks of people when it comes to supplements -- those who are in overall good health and wanting to maintain that, and those who have specific health concerns who then benefit from additional items.
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People Ask All the Time What I Take

Since the time the website was being constructed, I have wanted to encourage people to check out a Colorado company which really helped me when I found out about them when I moved to Denver in the mid 1990s.  At that time they hadn't expanded to the city I lived in before that time so I wasn't getting the best type of supplement despite having done my research (through books and newsletter subscriptions related to what back in those days was called 'chronic Epstein-Barr virus' which today is 'chronic fatigue syndrome'.  So there's a link from the 'Products page to their website' J  read more »

Magnesium; Fearsome Foursome - The Hummingbirds' Foundation for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis:

I saw this out in the facebook world of fibromyalgia community and thought I'd encourage you to read and follow the link if you think it is interesting. I certainly welcome Jodi Bassett and Cathy van Riel and others with the Hummingbirds' Foundation for Myalgic Encepahlomyelitis or those who are following them to Comment and support and share!  From what I can tell this is a very good website, CERTAINLY worth a look for what YOU find/think/feel ~~ Mardy 

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Mardy's Magnesium Thoughts

I'm having a nice conversation today with someone who is learning about supplements for fibromyalgia and recalled the day many years ago when I knew that magnesium was important but I didn't know a lot about the subject and was going to a nationwide company that sold supplements that didn't do a really good job of selecting quality products.  So the day I found out about the following product at a store in Denver that NOW has online ordering (and they're as ethical and wonderful as they say they are, is my experience), things got a LOT better for me and my muscles.  So here's a li  read more »

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