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Electromagnetics, the Adrenals and You (and Those You Are Responsible for - Including Pets and Livestock)

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have a negative impact on wellness. The EMF sources that are conventionally known and disclosed are many, and how much they emit varies.  We have been shocked in recent generations in the rise in chronic illnesses, but it was a very gradual rise over many generations.  Therefore, many people were not focusing on the cumulative causes. It was kind of like putting a frog in water and gradually raising the temperature -- we just didn't react, as a society (in the US, I am speaking about, but this applies 'beyond').  read more »

Quality of Health Information in Emerging Media for Diet Information Concerning to More Educated, Informed Experts

As Lumigrate YOUsers know, you're likely to find "GRATE" websites here that I've found in my traversing the frontiers I traverse in my work bringing progressive, valid information to Lumigrate, in order to STREAMLINE YOUsers' efforts and increase their odds of getting the best health-changing information. I've had to put on my detective hat AND take out my magnifying glass on this one, though, it ended up being a bit perplexing and a really GRATE example to take YOUsers through.   read more »

Healing Lyme Without Antibiotics Conference - Covered by Better Health Guy, Hosted by The Klinghardt Academy, May 2014

A recent conference in Washington state, put on by "The Kinghardt Academy", has now taken place and has a great overview topic by the Better Health Guy's website. I'm hoping everyone who has an interest in chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain that is from fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Lewy body disease, Alzheimers, and autism, etc. is aware of this conference having taken place and the information that is available which has come from it.  read more »

Pyroluria, Kryptopyrroluria (KPU) or Hemopyrrollactamuria (HMU) -- Many Names, Causes, Connections

Do you see your self/yourself/YOU! or someone you're responsible for and/or care for/about diagnosed or undiagnosed but with symptoms of any of the following conditions? I'm posting the % of people in the various groups that will have "pyroluria" and the main 'handfull' of category groupings: (Some say 'pyrrole disorder', others 'pyrole disorder'.  read more »

Chems 'n' EMs: Do You Dare Tell Your Provider or Ask About Geoengineering? Do you Dare Say it Out Loud to Anyone?

When it comes to Chems 'n' EMs, do you dare tell your provider or ask about geoengineering? Maybe. Maybe not. Here's a Tool to Help You .... and Them ...  It's important to realize that people have different ways of taking in new information that is changing their paradigm about how the world works.  read more »

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