Dr. Temple Grandin

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Each One, Reach One - And "The Ripple Effect"

I am dedicating the time and other resources involved in creating this topic on Lumigrate to Alice, "Amazing Alice" I'd later come to call her, who had collaborated with me on showing people how to be 'active' from home in the political process, even when unwell, as she was at the time.  read more »

Animals Showing Us the Way - Feeding Our Pets

Finally, I'm getting the time to get to writing about something I have wanted to do for EVER at Lumigrate. (And finally, in mid October 2016 and after, I'm editing it and adding in some NEW things in comment, below).  I'm getting to write health education that is focused about our pets, so I'm creating this topic with a focus on FOOD. Anyone who knows animals knows food is a major source of enjoyment for them. Think of Garfield, the cartoon cat. Snoopy and his food bowl.  read more »

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