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How to Get On .... Disability, and So Much More

There's a beautifully done website by a talented young woman who has complex chronic illness and is in collaboration with two artists of stunning work primarily which she uses on the website for the 'tiles' and other key areas.  When you arrive you see at the top Welcome        and then        Peace. Love.Spoons.  read more »

Out of a Health Care Crack, Billie Green is Now 'In the Groove' -- The Grate Groove of the Grand Valley

The Grate Groove of the Grand Valley, an education, outreach, and networking group for select health and wellness providers to essentially 'cross pollinate' and help the area's health care blossom as fully as possible, was inspired at the start of 2013 by a woman who, a year ago, was someone virtually unknown to us.  read more »

Thank Goodness You're on Disability!

"Thank goodness you're on disability!!", a chiropractor said to me yesterday.   

Thank goodness?  That my income is a third what it used to be?  That I can barely function some days?  That I'm still grieving the loss of the career I'd always wanted?   What was I to 'thank goodnessing' for again??  read more »

Disability -- Questions, Problems, Where to Start?

This is set up as an area for people to ask questions, post about their situation if they are considering or in the process and have not YET gotten to the 'successful with that' stage, but please see the other topic area on Disability -- Success or Close!.  Trying to keep this somewhat efficient for people's ease.  And for those that have been successful with it, please come and add in this section as well and help the others who are in your path. 

Disability -- Success Stories, or Close!

Here's an area for people to come and write who have experience so people can easily read about how people ended up successful in their pursuit without sifting through a lot of information that is ... set up in the OTHER area I'm setting up for "Disability -- Questions, Problems, Where to Start?". 

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