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SIBO -- Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth -- A Big Deal in Chronic Conditions and Wellness Level

Many people finding this topic at about SIBO / small intestine bacteria overgrowth will be learning of it for the first time -- becoming 'aware', in other words.  Others will have been 'aware' already, and have sought out via searching on the Internet -- doing research -- to become 'educated' about it.  Some might be quite educated about it and are going back to the Internet to see what might be NEW.    read more »

Iodine Depletion per Dr. Andrew Jones. Information, Education, Products and Prevention
Iodine depletion is one of the most overlooked factors having to do with wellness/illness that I have seen in my work going over cases doing medical detective work and working with people as their 'health education concierge'.  read more »
Fibromyalgia and Low Thyroid Disorders: How to Find and Learn from Author and Dr., Rodger Murphree

Dr. Rodger Murphree is one of the resources Dr Spurlock, Lumigrate's 'in house' FM/CFS/environmental medicine specialist, suggests people learn from, saying "he's one of my mentors".

I found a link to the following information on Facebook today and thought I'd post it here: If you're reading this after these events, they are recorded and are readily available at his website. I set you up at the end with the link to go, so do .. go!

I also have added some of my thoughts that came from reading this, so I hope you gain from that as well.  read more »

Chronic Illness Series: #1 - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

 How common is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / CFS?  read more »

‎46 Reasons to Drink More Water

Source: “You’re Not Sick You’re Thirsty” by F Batmanghelidj M.D. – p 32-35  read more »

BEST Enema Recipe Ever!

Having suffered with IC, CFS, IBS, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain for over a decade, and having to take increasing amounts of narcotic pain medications, antispasmotics and other medications that interefere with normal bowel functioning, a very simple, albeit messy, recipe for an enema was introduced to me during a hospital stay this last year. As you may know, a bowel full of feces can likely increase pain and cause other symptoms such as urinary retention.  read more »

Opioid Induced Constipation

One of my dearest friends, Johan, is in the hospital recovering from being hit by a car while he was riding his bike. Knowing that I deal with pain on a daily basis, he called me asking for tips on a number of things. We talk about the simple, yet annoying issue of how do you sleep when no matter what position you get into hurts. To the reason I wrote my latest blog; opioid induced constipation. Johan broke his pelvis which is very painful. All of his pain meds are backing him up. Constipation is adding to his pain.  read more »

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