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Integrating With Environmental Illness - Heavy Metals, Biotoxins, Psychology and Energy Medicine
Preface and Overview of Lumigrate's and My History with Medical Models

Lumigrate's development began in early 2007, as a concept that had to develop and find it's roots.  read more »

Testing for Lyme (and Co-Infections) & Symptom Questionnaire - Many Clinicians Rely on Symptoms Not Tests

When people are told "you have symptoms that can be from Lyme", the Lyme literate newbie often thinks they'll go to the doctor and ask for a laboratory test for it as if it were strep throat or something. Those used to insurance-based, organized medicine might not be prepared for how difficult Lyme is to navigate as a patient.  Lyme's current tests are a disaster when you look at modern-day medicine's abilities and our expectations -- how can it be that the testing is this difficult of a subject within the overall Lyme / Borrelia subject?  read more »

Lyme Disease Reform and Activism. Unfortunately, Massive Numbers Affected; The Next 'Big Thing'.

Like everyone, I was once NEW to "The Lyme Fight" information, trying to learn what the 'deal was', and sorting out the information of who's who and why things are so 'messed up' was not the easiest thing for me initially. "the Lyme Crime" some have called it.  Or The Lyme Cryme, I guess it is spelled ..... much to cry about.    read more »

Blurry Vision with Lyme / Borrelia / Borreliosis as Cause: Treatments from Acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine

Blurry vision and chronic Lyme disease, with a focus on traditional Oriental / Chinese medicine was an interesting topic from GoodbyeLyme, a website I've linked to before, from Greg Lee. I thought I'd create a topic here for YOUsers to find as I'd noticed we were getting a good number of reads in this forum, at least on the topic from Dr Lynn Hellerstein. There's increased awareness now about many chronic conditions and symptoms having Lyme as a cofactor within the person having the symptoms.  read more »

CFS/ME (+Lyme) Recovery Path: A Website From Recovering Joe in Australia Who Has Traveled to India and the US

I was fortunate to connect with a very experienced and successful Lyme advocate in the United States who knows the ropes from the inside of the Lyme community. Currently beginning therapy using bee stings, she has been fighting the fights one has to go through with insurance and disability and the providers, and has regained her abilities to communicate and she's just a 'ball of fire' from St. Louis, "the middle" of the United States.

Recently she suggested this website, CFS/ME (+ Lyme) Recovery Path --  read more »

The Why of Your Pain - A Video by Frank Gresham, CTPT, Transcribed for Readability or View Video PLUS Morton's Toe, Pyroluria

Here's a link to guide YOUsers to one of the main topics on Lumigrate that you'd likely find looking in the Forums list of this section -- but just in case, as I wanted to be certain people knew about it when looking in this forum, I'm creating a new topic to simply link you to the chronic pain forum and the topic about Frank Gresham's presentation which I've transcribed for those preferring to read. Or the video's linked to too in terms of his YouTube channel and a list of all his videos is there as well, including the one that this topic is focused on.  read more »

Casey Kasem, Lewy Body Disease/Dementia (and Movement Disorder): The Cause is "Hiding in Plain Sight"

Lewy body disease just got a boost on the 'awareness' level yesterday, Father's Day 2014, with the passing of the legendary 'voice' from Casey Kasem. I learned of this NOT on Facebook, though I was on Facebook while listening to the radio. I'd tuned into a weekly radio show by a local music 'maven', and I've enjoyed the new station the show was picked up on because after noon they go to old reruns of America's Top 40 with Casey Kasem.  read more »

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