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What Happens in Vagus .... Doesn't Stay in Vagus! The Vagus Nerve Superhighway

I belong to a lot of Facebook groups, and I'm selective and look for where the high level learners and doers are.  Today, they were rapidly finding this a wonderful article in a group focused on the aspect of 'mold'.  A really nice comment was how she loved her vagus nerve, and someone replied how just saying that was helping it.  read more »


Even the simplest tasks can become painful, reducing the quality of our lives, when joint  inflammation leads to decreased mobility. This chronic inflammatory disease is so prevalent that I feel the need to include information about the new research going on at TOSH.  The interview with Dr. Barker was done through USANA Health Sciences, and I have permission to include it in it's entirety.  read more »

Spring Inflammation Vacation - Cooking to Alleviate Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, ....

Hello! Please join me for this exciting upcoming opportunity: Cooking Class:  Inflammation Vacation!
Are you suffering from fibromyalgia?  Are you doing your best to deal with pain for arthritis?  Learn how to cook with health and energy issues in mind!
Please join me and Gertraud Jones on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm.  Please call me for information on the location.  The cost is only $35.
   read more »

Dr. Mahlon W. Locke's arthritis treatments (1880-1942)

Roughly 70 years ago, my Uncle Max was treated for crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis. His hands were bunched up into balls and he needed a wheelchair for mobility beyond his own house.

I am 36 years old and Uncle Max died long before I was born. However, his story is still told in our family. Max is remembered partly because he was a very colorful person. He is also remembered because, for a short time, he was cured of his arthritis.  read more »

Information in Interview re: Naturopathic Medicine/ Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Applies Here Too!

Hello forum members,

Mardy, thank you for asking me to post the link here to the full hour podcast on Naturopathic Medicine, CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome which I did with Cinda Crawford recently.  To listen, click here

Cinda Crawford Interviews Dr. Christopher Lepisto on Naturopathic Medicine for CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome.  read more »

Missed "How to Optimize Your Nutrition & Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms" (Live T 7/27/10)? Digital/link lingers!
Here is an example of what you'll receive in your email if you're registered with my website (we chose Mardy's since you hopefully know who she is!).  When you preregister (links and instructions, below), you'll receive an email that will provide the information for if you want to call in at the time of the seminar or listen from your computer, which is preferable.  But if you're unable to participate at that time, you can then use the link to listen to the recording as soon as you are able (see below). 

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