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"Chronic" Interrelated Conditions. Overview / Guide Topic for YOUsers re: Lyme, Fatigue, Pain, Fibromyalgia, Neuro, Endo, etc.

I'm inclined to suggest to people who want to know what Lumigrate has to offer about chronic Lyme, fatigue, pain, neurological degeneration, etc. to  'just go to the forums at Lumigrate and look around, after you've looked at all the other links briefly and gotten the overview'.   read more »

Healing Lyme Without Antibiotics Conference - Covered by Better Health Guy, Hosted by The Klinghardt Academy, May 2014

A recent conference in Washington state, put on by "The Kinghardt Academy", has now taken place and has a great overview topic by the Better Health Guy's website. I'm hoping everyone who has an interest in chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain that is from fibromyalgia, MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Lewy body disease, Alzheimers, and autism, etc. is aware of this conference having taken place and the information that is available which has come from it.  read more »

Grain Brain and More. Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar -- Your Brain and System's Silent Killers from David Perlmutter, MD

Taking the printing presses and cash registers by storm most recently is Grain Brain by David Perlmutter. I'd first become aware of it on Facebook, but saw the cover displayed at the impulse aisle/waiting area where the lines form at the ever-popular Natural Grocers (formerly Vitamin Cottage).    read more »

Mercury Toxicity, Common Sources and Health Effects: PhD and MD Researchers / IAOMT Conference Videos 'r' "GRATE"!

I'm glad you're interested in reading and viewing to learn more about mercury toxicity; it's a crucial topic for people to be more than 'familiar' with, in my opinion. I like to provide the YOUsers of Lumigrate leads to sources for learning that I find valid in the 'outside the box' choices that are increasingly available to chose from.  read more »

Nutrition and Chronic Disease - Presentation by Jimmy Thompson, MD

Earlier this week, I felt the light shining a LOT brighter on the path to health and well-being for people receiveing their medical advice in Grand Junction, Colorado.  Pulmonologist Jimmy Thompson, MD, was standing in front of a very full lecture arena when I walked through the doors just after 7 am. Anyone who understands what happens with medical conditions caused by 'adrenal fatigue', and how to recover, will understand why it is a sacrifice for me to interrupt the later part of my sleep cycle to go to something at 7 am.  read more »

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