alcohol abuse

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Gout -- Is it an Overlapping Condition?

I've recently been asked what I know about gout, presumably because they have had symptoms.  Fortunately, I'd recently watched / listened to several videos by an educator / nutritionist who had done a wonderful job about alkalinity / acidity / pH, and so I'd think to turn in her direction via the Internet and create a topic about gout here on Lumigrate.  read more »

Mental and Behavioral Health and Nutritional Deficiencies and Solutions. Many Factors, Many Symptoms and Many Solutions.

When YOU hear the words "behavioral health" (or 'problem'), "mental health" (or 'problem'), "psychiatric", "psychological", or any of the 'labels' that go along with it from organized medicine (ADD, ADHD, depression, mood disorder, personality disorder, etc.) what is your presumption about what has contributed to the lack of wellness in that individual or group of people?  And -- is it accurate today?  Are you holding onto a pre-conceived notion, past learning, and have not replaced old information with new?  read more »

Whitney Houston: "Am I good enough? Will they like me?" Body, Mind, Spirit Stress or Nourishment

Whitney Houston's funeral is on my television as I write this today.  I hope my words, the distillations of my thoughts and feelings, will help someone who reads them.  Many of the areas of the forums 'speak to' this seeming tsunami we have have experienced recently of musicians dying from misuse of prescription drugs and/or alcohol and other drugs.  I have never attended a service like her funeral, but have always enjoyed gospel music; I've been a long-time fan of soulful and bluesy music.  read more »

The Package Inside of YOU. Free e-Book and Thoughts to Get Started

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