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Protective Gear and Tools of the Trade for Home and Beyond to Reduce Exposures

Tools of the trade are so very important. Anyone who is 'in the trades' will recognize that. People who have good tools in their homes and garages and yards will recognize that. Many have elaborate vacuum cleaners, I know people who have collections of vaccuums from their purchasing better or different over the years. Yesterday there was a hunt on for a voltmeter at a house I was at, the professionals there to fix something spent all kinds of time in their not well organized truck figuring out they'd left it behind somewhere.  read more »

The Hidden Epidemic in America: Toxins in Things Going In or On Our Bodies (Indoors and Outdoors). Overview and History.

Are YOU a guinea pig? Are you in a herd with other unaware, unconcerned, or in-active "sheeple", or are you aware of the toxins in what you're breathing, drinking, eating and contacting your skin?   read more »

Fireworks! It's Time WE Change America's Traditions!

For New Years Day 2012, I am transferring this is a blog from 2010, as birds have been reported dead on the ground once again, with scientists looking into why.  Last year it was determined that was a result of fireworks causing them to take flight at night and run into each other.  Let's make some changes in 2012, shall we?  Why allow something for our humanly "entertainment" when it harms all the Earth's creatures to one extent or another -- incluing the humans as well as impacts negatively our natural resources?  read more »

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