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Equipment and Gadgets, Easily Obtainable/Ideas at Least are FREE online!

I'm writing about YouCan Toocan,  a Denver-based medical equipment supplier for the whole United States, in this very first piece in a NEW FORUM I created here at Lumigrate in honor of my father.  "Dad" passed away this past Labor Day; his 89th birthday was yesterday.  And I believe all of his equipment for two houses came from YouCan Toocan. They used to joke and say they could tell where I'd moved to because sales would go up in that area.  read more »

Hi I'm Petie - an OT Friend and Colleague of Mardy's

Hi -- I'm introducing myself today to what Mardy tells me is "The Grate Group"  I met Mardy when she was working in driving rehabilitation in Colorado Springs.  My adult son has developmental disabilities and learned how to drive, which had some interesting stories I will hopefully share in the future with you.  (My experiences of a Developmentally Disabled Mom.)   read more »

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