Lumigrate's Summer of Love 2012 Blanket (and Water Campaign)

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Do you remember "The Summer of Love"? I was 7 and had a 'tixie haircut' we called it, as the 'pixie' was in style at that time, but I had gotten a lot of ticks the previous summer, so my hair was cut short, and each time I came inside my mother would look through my head of blond, straight hair to try to get them before they got into me.  I was completely unaware of what was going on the the culture in the United States in the summer of 1967, though for me, it WAS the summer of love: I got to see my beloved grandmother, "Nanny", after three long years of separation.  We wrote letters a lot, and she would call perhaps once a month -- 'long distance' was something of a luxury item in those 'good old days'.  

We met in Chicago, and stayed at the Palmer House Hotel. It was a lovely trip aside from that noisy, frightening 'El', the elevated train that ran around the city.  I put up such a fit when they tried to get me onto it her sister offered to take me back to the hotel. I also didn't like the kiddie-land roller-coaster at the amusement part, and looking back on things, it was very apparent I had something along the sensory integration disorder/neurological impairment 'spectrum'.  But I avoided diagnosis and treatment for that and my visual learning disabilities.  I had thorough testing as an adult through a mix of private and University-provided benefits as part of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which I utilized when I returned in my 30s to finally complete my bachelors degree in occupational therapy.  

I have an odd memory, and can remember being a toddler in my crib. While one of the memories is not particularly pleasant, the other is of 'dancing' to the beat of music being played either on the piano or on the stereo -- my father was a lover of several kinds of music. I grew up to not like the kinds of music he did, and he didn't like the kinds I did.  Like my mother, I loved to dance.  Not that I'm good at it, by any means, I'm not the most coordinated person in the world. But that summer of love with three glorious days with Nanny, I remember showing her how I could 'go-go dance' though I recall I had a twinge (more like a 'wham') of neck pain that curbed my enthusiasm.  

She bought a little trophy at the gift shop that had different stickers to be added to customize it, and "World's Best Dancer" was on it.  She also bought me a stuffed dog that I named 'Puffy Palmer', which became essentially, my 7 year old version of the doll that I had carried around prior to that, which had replaced the baby blanket(s).  She gave me a new doll every year for many years as my main Christmas present; always the same kind, which I never played with but carried around by the end of the year the pretty blond nylon hair and dress were matted and torn off.

The reason I say I had baby blanket(s) as security blankets is my mother had bought a new one and given it to me hoping she could throw the old one away but instead I ended up not allowing her to take the old one and I remember them as this mess of intertwined fabric.  It was one of her favorite stories to tell of when that was confiscated by a nurse at check in for my completely preventive tonsil and adenoid surgery at age four: "You can have THIS back, when you leave" the nurse had said, holding it up and away from her body like some kind of vermin. The next day was the first time that I concerned people around me related to bleeding unexpectedly. That might possibly be when I started realizing that there was much to learn and be wary of in the conventional medical world in the United States. 

So it might not surprise you to see that I, once again have a blanket gracing the pages of! This is our Summer of Love Blanket, and it came last week to a meeting I had with the two local providers on who are amped up as much as I am about having the local water districts which still 'feed' fluoride into the water treatment plants simply stop this unnecessary and damaging practice.  

(To make it REAL simple, if someone wants to supplement fluoride, why not let them take it in pill for like anything else we chose to supplement, why is someone making that decision for us, particularly when most people, once educated about it, don't want it in their water anymore. Old habits die hard.  Systems are hard to change.)

The Summer of Love, as you will see if you follow the link I provide, was a very interesting and important time in our history and basically, I feel like we are in another time that is going to be similar in terms of transformation.

"We are trying to do what no one else has ever done before in this
culture, and that is to find a new way for humanity."

- Stan McDaniels, in San Francisco, 1967Please go to PBS.ORG, at

The "Lumigrate Summer of Love 2012 Blanket" is made by our Yenta. If you have not experienced her amazingly insightful writings full of humor and wisdom, please Search on her name and you'll find many topics to chose from.  In 2011, we had a lot of fun and interest from people with the "Peace Fleece" which "our Bubbie (grandmother) Yenta" had sent me at the holy days at the end of 2010.  I thought it was so nice, as it was a difficult Christmas for me, having had my father's life come to a peaceful conclusion, finally, on Labor Day, but she asked me to use it in 2011 to raise money for me/ (we're kind of intricately connected, me and the website, it's like a child you give birth to and it's financially dependent upon you for a while, until it grows it's legs and then can, in turn, support you!

Rather than turning a blanket into a sale to raise $50 (or whatever it would be priced at), which basically feeds Miss SpoildeyCat for a month and keeps her in toys so I can get my work done, it seemed to me it would have more value if I'd have this magical, beautiful blanket get around with me a bit and create a story that went with it.  It was a success from an outreach/ marketing standpoint, and it helped raise a lot of awareness about fibromyalgia! It had a purple backing, and on the front along with the peace signs, it has little butterflies, which are the color and symbol for fibromyalgia. Our Yenta is a very creative woman, and fortunately understands fibromyalgia as she has it.  Perhaps that is part of the reason she is so wise and understanding of people who have pain and any kind of problem weighing them down.  She also loves to laugh and cheer people up, and I very much hope you take the time to read her contributions to the forum at  

I hope that you will continue to follow us into this Summer of Love 2012 at  Not only do we have quite a concerted effort going related to education about water in general and water with fluoride being added specifically, found at the following link:


Drs Jeff McCloskey (DC) and Jim Kennedy (DDS) with me (Mardy Ross, OTR) in Downtown Grand Junction, Colorado, USA -- planning some "rabbel-rousing" in the reflection of Wells Fargo -- interesting juxtaposition!

This summer, we are going to be doing a lot of transitions; our summer is going to see us transitioning all our Facebook pages used to market Lumigrate, including my personal page, and the original GRATE GROUP is all in agreement with having a 'virtual reunion' before and after on each page so we can go through this 'change of life' at Lumigrate together! I'm looking forward to that, I am hoping it will be this coming week! So be watching anything on FB, I'll post it on all the Lumigrate pages of any sort (many of which will eventually be 'retired'), and my personal page, which is roll into a professional page. 

There will be Pinterest, finally,  and best of all, a brand new website which we plan will be a better statement of where is today; half of our people coming to participate are at or near the top of the wellness 'mountain', and the other half are at or near the bottom.  So we have equal numbers of people wanting information about chronic wellness and prevention as chronic illness and recovering, which is GRATE! Let's try to make this easier and cheaper on everyone and maintain and prevent and not have to deal with the consequences when one tumbles down to the bottom of the mountain.  

No matter if you are at the top or the bottom or somewhere on the slippery slope between, remember that the most important things to our wellness are often the things we overlook: pure water and drinking the correct amount, pure air and breathing deeply and pairing it with meditation/prayer regularly, preferably twice a day in my opinion. Eating a plant-based diet that filled with things not modified genetically or grown in depleted and chemicalized soils, and eating seafood or meats and other animal products if you chose to include them, as I do, which are raised in humane and healthful ways.

And last but not least, LOVE.   Starting with yourself, or when you turn on the tap if you are fortunate enough to live where you have a tap, being thankful for your having a place to be safe and for the water, our most precious resource today, at your fingertips.  The mind/body connection is a powerful one, and by focusing on the present and on the positives, and doing your best to have pure water and air primarily, and have your body work with what those two things bring it, even if you cannot right now be doing much related to food and ideally change one thing a week -- in 52 weeks/one year, you'll have created a lot of positive change for yourself and anyone else whose lives you affect. Which ultimately is all of us -- it is all connected.  

And this, the summer of 2012, is they time for much change.  Love will help us get through it.  Please stop regularly to see what's new, and while it might appear I'm off on vacation for the summer, aside from a few short things planned for RnR, there will be much work in the transition and most of all, I have to reserve some time to love/take care of, myself.  

It's going to be a long, hot one, but I am looking forward to it! I hope you are as well ~~ Mardy

I am dedicated this blog, as it is Father's Day and I only blog on holidays anymore due to applying my time to the other areas of the website (such as forums in 2011/12), to my father, who had a keep eye always on 'the water in the well', the rain gauge or snowfall/snow pack and one day changing trains in World War II in Denver, Colorado, looked west at the beautiful Rocky Mountains and said 'maybe this is where I will come when I am out of the military).  

He and my mother purchased a place in a valley next to a creek which flowed year-round which also had a few other springs on it, or springtime creeks, and I learned to appreciate water, which has always been a very special aspect to my life. He was fortunate to have Nanny as well -- they fell on hard times not long after they purchased the place and she was the 'supplement' which solved their financial crisis for the better part of a decade before and after I was born. Through her unconditional giving and love to him, I believe my father had, prior to his mental decline the last few years, a brief time when he felt secure financially and could be similar generous.

On two occasions he 'payed it forward' and helped me out when my health had slid due to overwork and too much stress, or when I was starting my own business in order to customize my career in a way that would work for my special needs.  "He got it" in the past, because he had also been ill his whole life with similar conditions and understood the effects on ones abilities and life.  That, to him, was love.  On Father's Day, he wanted to go on a picnic and hike or walk in his older years, 'shuffle' towards the end.

He had the gift of love, truly, from hospice intervention belatedly being ordered, having missed the beneficial window for 'palliative care' assistance, around Father's Day two years ago and it was a blessing to be included in that process as well as when he ultimately decided it was time to stop drinking water, so that he could pass when he wanted to.  

Again, he was being a teacher to me about water and how it is the most critical thing along with oxygen. He discussed with me many times in my teen and adult years the ways to most painlessly die, as he was always analytical and also in chronic pain both physically and emotionally/spiritually, every day that I knew him, which was fifty years. I am eternally grateful that he was able to have a peaceful passing, merrily sleeping deeply through feeling thirst due to pain/anxiety medication thanks to the intervention of hospice's team of nurses and chaplain, once ordered, after many months of my lovingly trying to advocate on his behalf through the mangling medical maze of conventional medicine.

I will be writing in the Forums about Time's cover story this week: How to Die: What I Learned from the Last Days of My Mom and Dad, by Joe Klein.  His parents both died this past winter, and as he writes "everyone deals with grief differently and I deal with it by writing" (essentially). So please look for it in our forum about preparing for medical impairment/end of life others would call it.  I got a master's degree, I feel, in the two years surrounding my father's last day and hope it will benefit those who utilize Lumigrate, and Joe Klein's article and other resources I have are going to be part of our future content to help with the baby boomers, as well as more people caring for others in their homes rather than facilities as was the trend and norm in the past. 

 Photos by Jim Campbell, find him on FB at


Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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