Bringing Sound Scientific and Analytical Skills for this Historic Turningpoint - James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.

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Covid-19 has been the biggest event in my lifetime, for my generation, and many others'.  I spent time looking around for valid, non-corrupted information.  And one place I knew I could turn was to James Lyons-Weiler, PhD.  I'd like to preface this blog about "Dr. Jack" with a bit of history about me.  Because then anyone reading this might better appreciate why I am so enthusiastic about what he is doing to promote cutting edge science relative to wellness / illness.  

I'd only learned of James Lyons-Weiler two years before, thanks to his participation at a Ohio conference I simply refer to as "The Big Mike Conference".  His presentation, videotaped and put on YouTube, went through the basics of how he analyzed Mike's case -- had Mike had Disease X or Disease Y?  I'd suspected I'd been missed diagnosed when I was in occupational therapy school and had some significant symptoms and challenges; his presentation helped me realized I perhaps had Disease Y.  If Mike could be labeled as X when he had Y, I could see how I, with less severe symptoms years before, was dismissed as a bafflement.  

The ApoE4 blood subtype, I'd learn in recent years from various sources, is a big deal when it comes to your wellness, and James Lyons-Weiler brought that into the videotaped presentation.  Then he ended with a call to action for repealing the protection the pharmaceutical industry secured from being sued, as they had been with the rubella vaccine class action suit in the 1980s.   A vaccine I could clearly, in hindsight, see I was injured by, but didn't get diagnosed, didn't get connected to others, and missed the funds that came from the lawsuit I wasn't part of.  Yes, I have lived through massive events that shaped the history of America where it relates to medical issues stemming from genetics and vaccines.  

In 2018, as I was learning about Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, I could sense "something" was coming, for years, though I didn't know exactly what. I didn't know when it would "hit".  And then Covid was suddenly a the leading story in mainstream news, with precautions being recommended, our freedoms being limited. I knew "this is it", and I felt like I needed to fly into action -- finally -- after treading water I could again swim. 

This happened to me 20 years ago as well, and then one morning I left for work and heard on the radio about what we now refer to simply as "9/11".   This time, older and maybe wiser (we'll see), I followed the "guidance" I was given.  I call it That Which Is Guiding, or TWIG.  No need to get too much into it, but the word 'God' or 'Source' has pre-conceived notions.   

I had so many people tell me in the years I've maintained Lumigrate "on my own dime", that I was simply "ten years ahead of the curve" or "ten years ahead of the time", meaning ten years ahead of the masses.  Masses are needed to have enough funds from an endeavor. And so, I had to tread water.  Just prior to Covid came along, I had just made my first income from product referral commission!  I started to head in the direction of more focus on that, and then Covid changed things for the product maker, and our relationship as business leaders. So that's a downside to Covid for me.   

Overall, Covid brough an upside.  The masses just had a wake up call, and I've never had so many consecutive conversations with people new-to-me who are 'awake'. People were home, they turned to Internet sources more than ever, and people were forced to cross the bridge and do remote consultations and appointments using video calling, or telephone.  Even the 90-ish local client I had was to have phone appointments with some of their providers, who weren't able to come to the home due to Covid.  

Anyone who swims or treads water knows it's harder to tread water than to swim.  Unless you know how.  And practice.  With swimming you go somewhere!  And now, I feel like we're really about to get somewhere! Because I'll have fewere people swimming against me, it'll be like salmon running in the same direction to get back to spawn where they came from.  

Looking back on how Lumigrate came to be, I know now it was being "guided".  If that's too spiritual for you, reading this, please realize I was raised atheist and understand how that might turn you off.  But I also was operating from my head, and my gut. <  2005

2003, prior to the move with change of treatment. 

In 2007 I took the local business incubator's entrepreneureal class and tinkered around with the idea of a website for people with fibromyalgia, saying that making it your friend was the way to go.  Not to "fight it", more like a friendly game of tennis where you don't even keep score really, you just want to have a good game and hope that you end up coming out of it looking competent ... but having outwitted your opponent.

About the time I was done with the class, a young woman contacted me looking for a Level II Internship.  She was becoming a COTA, and I happened to have the most incredible COTA working at the clinic where I provided the OT services, so I asked if he wanted an intern to mentor.  He did.  This is a photo taken as we were all going our separate ways.  I was going off to start Lumigrate (and help start a new "integrative" clinic, a theoretically symbiotic arrangement).   Del, Lisa, Mardy, February 2008

I'd have no idea at the time that I'd not practice again as an OTR.  But that's another story for another day. 

My turning point year had been 2004. You can see the change in me, for the better, in the photos, above, from 2003 and 2005.   A confluence of things had me move across the state of Colorado, be forced to work at another facility many hours where I was paid the high "PRN" rate, on top of my 40-hour a week job was paying me $400 more a month than when I worked for them on the more populated and popular "Front Range". 

So, long story short, I improved.  And after the misery I'd been in, I wanted that to be experience by others, if I could.  I was an OTR, I could see people if they found my way to me, but the System I was working within was not facilitating my efforts to reach more people, certainly.   

Grand Junction, Colorado being a small city, I was able to drive on a lunchbreak to a provider who did unconventional treatments that I had found helpful in Denver in 1997-1999, get the IV nutrition, pay the $55, and go back to work.

Hoping to impress upon the PCP the benefit of the IV nutrition when it inevitably would, in the near future, take effect, I told him about the other doctor.  

"You know nothing he does is proven scientifically to help", he responded.  

"I've done it before in Denver.  It helped.  That's enough for me", was my response to him! 

I'd never know if he remembered my telling him about the IV nutrition, but I did continue seeing him for several years after.  I'd try to keep him in the loop of the medications I was prescribed by now a second "pay to play" MD, who'd left the ranks of mainstream to start an integrative clinic. I would also be greatly helped by a particularly good massage therapist, who saw the mass of tissue on my throat, in the thyroid area, and strongarmed me to appeal to the doctor, again, specifically about that, since I had gotten the benefit of the IVs and was on "maintenance", but he'd not checked my thyroid function nor "noticed" the throat symptom.  Yes, I lived the reality that later was reflected in the Lumigrate cornerstone YOU! Model.                                                                                                                                                    

My thinking was, if they know what is helping me, maybe they can help some of their other patients.  It was THAT simple.  Facebook came along and eventually the ill and unwell flocked to groups and would learn from each other, but back then, I saw the physicians as needing to learn from the patient.  If they could be open minded enough.  And in the mean time, I moved ahead and created Lumigrate, with the intention of having providers and consumers come and learn.  It launched in 2009 (or in Internet proper terms, "went live").  

Almost a decade later, in what turned out to be the apex of my Mardy PopIns era, I'd meet a young mother of a toddler, who had "noticed" behavioral changes after a vaccine, skin issues after another vaccine, and was doing what she called "due diligence" online looking for evidence-based information to support her hunch that vaccines were harming her child. 

She couldn't find anything credible looking, compared to what is there that's pro-vaccine.  I made a mental note to always explain to people how expensive it is to do research, to create publications, run an office and organization, and therefore it's not balanced what is out there on the other side against The System.  

Enter James Lyons-Weiler, PhD!

So I was thrilled to learn of James Lyons-Weiler, PhD.  I was not late to the party, but I wasn't there early either.  "Dr. Jack" had a big following of supporters by the time I encountered his work in January of 2018.  He'd just spoken at a "State house" conference in Ohio, put on by a group in that state advocating for medical freedom.  He agreed to be featured on Lumigrate, and I was pleased.

Today he revealed a new, much needed leaf.  I have a topic about it in more detail at this link at Lumigrate (in the forum about bugs, colds and influenza, etc.) :

Here is a highlight: 

For far too long, evidence-based medicine has under-valued and side-lined real-world clinical evidence which is rich in detail that can and should inform decisions at the individual doctor-patient level.

In keeping with the mission of objective science in this journal, we have expanded to include a new section in which we will publish case studies, case series reports, observational studies and prospective clinical trials. We will also publish meta-analyses.

Because of the relative vacuum of objectivity in allopathic-centric medicine (with respect, of course, to all publication outlets that have not been compromised by profit influences) we are expanding the scope of the journal, beginning with the case series by Brownstein et al.

This contribution is important clinically and is truly history-making: past searches for efficacious clinical treatments and interventions for corona viruses, including SARS & MERS, are devoid of translational successes. What little research had historically been conducted on antivirals prior to 2019 were pharmacologically based and have failed to yield a standard protocol.

 THANK YOU, Jack! Dr. Jack.  James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, THANK YOU.  For myself, and for those I've seen affected who have a chance at a less hazardous future because of what YOU have provided. 

However, it's encumbent upon each one of us to seriously consider how much activists give in order to provide what they do.  Please look at how you spent your time.  Your energy.  Your money.  Spend them where YOU want to spend them in order to help create your reality and affect that of those surrounding you.  As the mother of the young one said -- do your due diligence.  And may you have good tools out there, such as what is now provided by James Lyons-Weiler.  

The above photo is one he provided and prefers.  This is one I used initially on Lumigrate, and thought I'd include it, too. 





Live and Learn. Learn and Live Better! is my motto. I'm Mardy Ross, and I founded Lumigrate in 2008 after a career as an occupational therapist with a background in health education and environmental research program administration. Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please do if you have questions or comments. Lumigrate is "Lighting the Path to Health and Well-Being" for increasing numbers of people. Follow us on social networking sites such as: Twitter: and Facebook. (There is my personal page and several Lumigrate pages. For those interested in "groovy" local education and networking for those uniquely talented LumiGRATE experts located in my own back yard, "LumiGRATE Groove of the Grand Valley" is a Facebook page to join. (Many who have joined are beyond our area but like to see the Groovy information! We not only have FUN, we are learning about other providers we can be referring patients to and 'wearing a groove' to each other's doors -- or websites/home offices!) By covering some of the things we do, including case examples, it reinforces the concepts at as well as making YOU feel that you're part of a community. Which you ARE at Lumigrate!

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